do i need a hair transplant? 23y/o + pic


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guys... do u reckon i need a hair transplant?

i know i should probably wait for 2 years more but i just dont know what to do. if i get nizoral+rogaine+finasteride i will have to use it for the rest of my life, isnt? thats what most of the ppl are saying here... when u stop using it, u loose ur hair again...

is there a solution to make my hair thicker? i do have short, fine and almost white hair on the top of my scalp but hair is still there...

pics were taken 10 min ago. i just got back from my GP and she said i should just deal with it - ''my dad is bald, i ll be bald''... i hate when people do that ''its not the end of the world if u loose ur hair''.......... :thumbdown2:


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You cant have a hair transplant without commiting to meds either, especially at your age so right now a hair transplant is your last option. Give the meds a try and also try using concealers if its bothering you.


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0 if i start doing the big3 regime... and it starts working... as soon as i stop, im gonna loose all my hair... thats why im not sure if its worth doing it. after all its gonna cost much more than a hair transplant, true?


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A hair transplant is the last thing that should be on your mind. Especially at this age. You need to get on the big 3 asap.

On another note. Why do you guys always call it a regime? As far as I know it's a regimen.


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idontwanttobebalding said:
I vote for the meds. Not because of your age but because of the stage of your MPH. If you are a responder you will be able to improve alot more area than an initial transplant would. :shock:

The reason I bring up age is because he has very advanced loss for his age. He will certainly be bald by 30 and getting a hair transplant now with no meds would put him in the position of having to get several more transplants and maybe ending up with very thing hair. Also he could suffer shock loss. Better to wait until his hair loss stabilizes and then he can spread grafts out more conservatively in the future if he does go the hair transplant route. Besides, like you say meds could work wonders for him and he may not need a hair transplant for many years.


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petersito said: if i start doing the big3 regime... and it starts working... as soon as i stop, im gonna loose all my hair... thats why im not sure if its worth doing it. after all its gonna cost much more than a hair transplant, true?

Well it depends how badly you want to keep your hair, trust me the big 3 is a breeze compared to going through the trauma of surgery.
Taking a pill everyday, shampooing with Nizarol twice a week is no hardship.
And the cost if you buy generic will not be so bad (again how much do you value keeping your hair?)
Like I said before its not a hair transplant or meds its meds or Meds + hair transplant. And it will be many many years before the cost of meds is equal to the $1000's/10,000's that you could end up spending on surgery.
Man what I would give to be back in your situation with your options! :smack:


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well... i decided to try meds! i started about a week ago. i do rogaine and nizoral. i hate rogaine liquid... it ruins my haircut and washes off nanogen and the amount of ethanol they add is unbelievable! anyhoo... fingers crossed... i couldnt do propecia...i dont want to start playing with my hormons etc... way too dangerous... especially for someone who isnt looking super masculine.


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Shame that since Finasteride is about the only thing that works. Its 10x more likely to help you keep hair than just using rogain and nizoral.


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Mate get on finasteride and you wont regret it.I too was paranoid about the sides because people kept making a big deal about it but in the end its the easiest and best thing you can do for your hair.

You can always stop the drug if you have any undesirable sides.Just dont read too much stuff on the internet about drugs as each person responds uniquely to a drug.

If you go for a hair transplant with only Rogaine and nizoral in your arsenal,you could possibly lose in the non-transplanted areas,making things real ugly and hard to reverse.