Do non-balding people produce the same amount of DHT?


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Do non-balding people produce less dht, or the same as balding people yet simply don't have androgen receptors sensetive to it? So if you inhibit DHT production systemically, will you have the same amount a non-balding person has, or less?


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It's not really known, the amount of DHT is up to the individual person. I think it's more weather or not your DNA is receptive to DHT, whci tell's you if your going bald or not. In this situation we have verying levels of DHT effecting hair loss and varying level's of receptiveness to DHT in the DNA effecting hairloss. This is the reason some go bald, some don't some go bald at 20, some go bald at 40 some go a little bald and some go almost all bald


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I think its a very variable substance in the body. The reason hair falls out is a combination of how much DHT is in your scalp, and how sensitive your folicles are to DHT. If you have very sensitive folicles ( like balding women ) you will lose your hair if even small amounts of DHT are present. But some people with very tough hair may have full heads even if there DHT is quite high.

Red Rose

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The one thing I definitely have noticed is that non-balding people have far less body hair than balding people. Check this out:

50% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has complete chest hair;
70% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has chest, shoulder and back hair;
90% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has total body hair;


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Red Rose said:
The one thing I definitely have noticed is that non-balding people have far less body hair than balding people. Check this out:

50% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has complete chest hair;
70% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has chest, shoulder and back hair;
90% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has total body hair;

I dont know where you get those percentages but I dont trust them. Case in point, I had a good friend in college that I lifted with who had absolutely no body hair, not on his arms or legs anyhow, but he was completly bald by age 22. I also had a roomate who had the most body hair I have ever seen - he was from India. Anyhow he was super-hairy, the hair on his chest grew 5 inches long easy, and to this day he has more hair on his head than anyone I know. He looks like a mon-chi-chi, his hairline is like 1 inch above his eyebrows.


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Red Rose said:
The one thing I definitely have noticed is that non-balding people have far less body hair than balding people. Check this out:

50% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has complete chest hair;
70% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has chest, shoulder and back hair;
90% greater risk of thinning/balding if the man has total body hair;

No this is wrong, just because you hairy doesnt mean you will go bald.


Senior Member
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where did you get those %'s dude....Is that just your opinion or do you have something to back up those claims?

I'm 34 and I have very little body hair , barely anything on my chest. sh*t I can't even grow a beard or mustache if I wanted to and I'm losing my hair.


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who's stone :p


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who's stone? Who knows who's stone, I'm certainly not made of stone, I'm made of flesh and bone. MY question however would be, whose stone?


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How do you know I didn't mean "who is" Deaner...I didn't but that's beside the point. :p
Stop with all the grammar lessons Deaner. It's unspoken rule #2 of the internet. I guess you didn't get my little jab to you in the other thread regarding this.
The longest sentence in the history of the written word:

Deaner said:
I can still get right proper loaded while on Propecia, and I don't see why taking Propecia and drinking would be any more dangerous than taking alot of other pharmaceutical drugs and drinking, since most pharmaceutical drugs are metabolized in the liver, and thus make the liver take a hit either way.