Do those fine dark hairs just stay like that sometimes?


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The topic subject is preeeetty much my question... And if new vellous growth keeps on showing up, is that a good sign that your follicles aren't completely dead? Might they one day become a good hair, or are they pretty much stuck like that? It's just that I've been noticing alot of my vellous hair closer to the hairline is turning dark and growing longer, still fine and short, but visible now under all lighting conditions, and my vellous hair continues to spread and become denser. If all my current vellous hair went terminal overnight, I'd wake up with a NW0.5-1 basically, so I'm curious.


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Many don't get more than just vellus hair. Don't ask me why. I had from minoxidil and finasteride that vellus growth but it never turned terminal. Note that even Norwood 5's have these hairs on their head but in their case its basically impossible to reactivate them. Maybe terminal hairs alter their "structure" under DHT influence.



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was wondering the same thing deaner, i have a ton of hairs along my hairline that i wouldn't call vellous and i wouldn't call normal hairs, i've had them since week 3 on propecia, i know some of them went terminal, but i was also wondering, if i maintain on propecia, does that mean these little hairs will just stay little?? good question, guess we'll know the answer in about six months.


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From my experience its like most things in hairloss....being some will, some won't. Some of my vellus hair turned terminal, others are still vellus, and some are vellus like but with a darkish colour.... So swings and roundabouts my friend, swings and roundabouts.

The Gardener

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Yes, some of my vellous hairs have reactivated... but they don't go from vellous, to terminal, directly like that. I would more accurately describe them (well, mine, at least) as going from vellous, to pubic, and then to terminal.


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well, that's good to hear, as i have many vellous and "pubic" hairs on the front of my hairline, perhaps the pubes will graduate to normal hairs in the future.