Do Wigs Cause Hair Loss or Hair Thinness


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Wearing a wig for extended periods can create an environment that is warm and lacks proper ventilation. This can lead to increased sweating and moisture buildup on the scalp, which can cause scalp irritation, fungal infections, and conditions like seborrheic dermatitis. An unhealthy scalp environment can compromise the health of hair follicles and lead to hair loss. So, in the hot weather you’d better choose lace wigs like wear and go glueless wigs, skin lace wigs, or short bob wigs.

If you wear a small wig or install a wig too tight on your head, this can also be a massive problem for the health of your hair and scalp. If this goes on for an extended period of time, such a practice could result in the traction alopecia, thinning or reduction in the case of some hair due to continuous pulling on the hair follicles.

Avoid wearing wigs or any protective style that is too tight, advises Dr. Aguh. Dr. Love adds that it's important to revise your entire haircare routine too. "I think we as Black women need to rethink the way we feel about our hair and change the way we treat our hair," she explains. "Our hair does not deserve the punishment we give it."