do you guys consider this shedding?


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Ive become fascinated with how much hair i shed in the shower. I wash my hair around three times a week but that doesnt mean i dont scrub it with water the off days.
ANyways, after the initial scrub and losing whatever dead hairs are stuck on my scalp I now slick my wet hair back with my hands and check whats left on them.

I can literally do this over and over again and every time i check my hands, theres a hair or two on each hand. Like this just seems never ending...i dont think there is any point that i will have nothing on my hands when i really study them and look for a stray hair. If theres not a hair at one point, if i do it again there will be one.

Has anyone ever tried this? Does anyone do this with medium length hair and actually not have hairs on their hands? I cant even remember anymore before i noticed hair loss if this was normal. I dont think i ever really looked back then. But i really want to do this to someone who never notices shedding to see what normal people with hair experience when they do this


i'd say so. thats like what i have right now. used to be a lot worse, but is better now.


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Hi JayB,

Obviously you are shedding if hair is coming out, the question is how many are you shedding and how long has this been happening for?


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well, for all the guys here with the Telogen Effluvium, i too was diagnosed with it 3 years ago.

since then, my hair hasnt changed all that much , its gotten better but never quite reached the pre-state it was in before i noticed the onset.

i started xandrox about 2 years ago come september to speed up regrowth. It helped greatly, but ive had mini sheds every so often. THere never seems to be any change in the state of the hair though months later which is amazingly good. But this shed i experienced in june- july, was by far the worst i have ever shed since i first noticed i had a hair loss problem.

the specialist that i went to told me to expect the condition to reoccur throughout my life bec i had anxiety with a history of full blown uncontrollable panic attacks and she seemed to think this brought on the shedding. But ive been pretty good as of these last 2 years..i guess not good enough however bec whenever i exeprience adrenal symptoms such as a racing heart and sweating due to stress, 2 or so months later i go through sheds.

Now, i know im shedding hairs obviously. but i just want to shampoo a non-male pattern baldness mans hair and look at how many hairs he sheds. I dont get concerned really when i see 1 or 2 hairs on my hands, ive read thats normal. Id freak the f*** out if i saw tons of hairs on my hand again though... But when i sat back and thought about...those constant 1 or 2 hairs will add up...


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Hi JayB,

Just out of interest, when you caught on to your Telogen Effluvium... how long was the turn around, i don't expect miracles over night or to get all my hair back, but some insight would be helpfull.

Do you think your recent shed could have something to do with a seasonal change?

It's interesting that you say this "anxiety with a history of full blown uncontrollable panic attacks" Prior to my shedding for the first time in my life i had a bad run of anxiety & panic attacks and it wasn't till i calmed down and became very relaxed that the shed occured.

So how many hairs are you shedding? at the moment i am shedding between 100 - 200 daily


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Myhair_Matt said:
Hi JayB,

Just out of interest, when you caught on to your Telogen Effluvium... how long was the turn around, i don't expect miracles over night or to get all my hair back, but some insight would be helpfull.

Do you think your recent shed could have something to do with a seasonal change?

It's interesting that you say this "anxiety with a history of full blown uncontrollable panic attacks" Prior to my shedding for the first time in my life i had a bad run of anxiety & panic attacks and it wasn't till i calmed down and became very relaxed that the shed occured.

So how many hairs are you shedding? at the moment i am shedding between 100 - 200 daily
Hey matt...
ive actually gone through a few bouts with Telogen Effluvium. The first one, and first time i ever noticed hair loss was 3 months after a car accident. I was a senior in college at the time and woke up one morning to randomly find tons and tons of hair all over my pillow.

After that, i really cant remember when the shedding subsided. i grew my hair long and noticed hairs in the shower from that morning on because from that moment on, i was obsessed with losing hair. It was just such a shocking experience.

I guess it subsided to normal amount of shedding, but then after graduatiing i started suffering from really bad panic attacks for months on end and my scalp became real inflamed and i was losing hair from every spot on my head. After having it diagnosed, i also went on medication and the xandrox to help regrowth quicken. The xandrax is what really seeemd to push the hair back into gear. Id say within about 2 months the hair shedding stopped to a completely normal range, and my hair thickened up by about the 4th month. And its been that way for the most part since recently when my stress levels went up again.

At the moment, its hard to say how many hairs i actually shed. I would say if i had to guess, around 30 or so. maybe more, maybe less. Like i said, i can keep running my hands through wet hair and pick up 1 or 2 hairs on each hand every time. If i was to actually just keep repeating this process over and over and over for hours, i honestly wonder how many i would shed but i dont want to do that, nor do i have the time.

But i do believe that Telogen Effluvium is a very effective way of speeding up the hair thinning process. Even if you dont suffer from male pattern baldness, i havent really heard of stories where the people recovered the same exact caliber hair that they had before they were afflicted. Even cancer patients tend to have changes in hair texture after chemotherapy. I know that most of my hair has grown back, but its still not the same quality it was before that morning that i woke up to find hundreds of hairs on my pillow


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Hi JayB,

Thanks for the info that's a great insight into the world of Telogen Effluvium....

Your 30 hairs a day sounds pretty regular. I remeber only 6 months ago that when i would wash or style my hair i would always see a couple of hairs here and there, nothing noticeable or i would have freaked out earlier.
I asked a friend, who has a good coverage of hair, he said he usually finds a few hair here and there when he washes it too but it's always been that way.


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Ohhh, and with regards to the hairs falling out if you were to run your hands through your head and repeat the process, well i'm no expert but yeah you would probably loose alot more.... It's only natural that if you rub, pull or brush your hair it will come out faster, but that hair had probably stoped growing or was not that well planted..... look at the hairs on your legs and look where your socks sit, i am sure you will have less hair where your socks sit. I guess another way of thinking about it for me, is that if i brush my cat at first i would get alot of bulk dead hair and then if i brushed it all day long i would still get hair out with each brush.... ummmmm does that makes sense?? lol


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Myhair_Matt said:
Ohhh, and with regards to the hairs falling out if you were to run your hands through your head and repeat the process, well i'm no expert but yeah you would probably loose alot more.... It's only natural that if you rub, pull or brush your hair it will come out faster, but that hair had probably stoped growing or was not that well planted..... look at the hairs on your legs and look where your socks sit, i am sure you will have less hair where your socks sit. I guess another way of thinking about it for me, is that if i brush my cat at first i would get alot of bulk dead hair and then if i brushed it all day long i would still get hair out with each brush.... ummmmm does that makes sense?? lol

good commentary...i also think some people with hair loss (myself included at the lower moments) can make it worse by inducing a mild trichtomania... constantly brushing, checking, forcing sheds, etc.


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Yeah checking your hair out is a condition of its own.... first couple of months i couldn't get away from the mirror as well as checking my hands everytime i ran my hands through my hair in the shower either..... I'm starting to detatch from that now as i really don't want to be in the same head state 10 years from now.