Do you guys ever have nightmares about your hairloss?


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Wow i dont think hairloss is that important for me to be having dreams about it...although they are involuntary


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lol. a few months ago i remember having a dream and in it i had the horeshoe pattern going on. in the dream, i just put on a baseball cap and went on my merry way though.


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had a dream where I woke up in my bed and looked at my pillow. My hair had fallen out but the scalp went too. It's like nw2-nw7 BAM! It sucked!


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double posts suck


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Yes I've had the dreams. There are two kinds that I have. One where I look in the mirror and I'm almost completely bald and horrified. Then there's the one where my hair looks and feels like it did before I had any hairloss......Both suck.


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haha, yeh. i've had that. dreams about no baldness and dreams about being totally bald. totally gay, but at least the dreams when ur bald are a relief when waking up.

To add to the list of fukd up dreams i also have:
- dreams of falling out teeth
- coming in2 class (butt naked)
- n falling off cliffs (don't ask)

n about once a yr have a dream about fukin some beautiful big titted blonde.



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yeah i get them, it's awful


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Same as BHD, some where I'm almost bald and others with no loss at all and then there was the one where I was up real close to a mirror admiring how thick my hairline had got only to pull my head back and see that my entire scalp was covered with just one giant hair. Strange.


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frunby said:
To add to the list of fukd up dreams i also have:
- dreams of falling out teeth

Geez i've had that one several times too...weird


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I've only ever had one, and my hair was the shits, but I didn't even care. It was weird.


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Speaking of teeth falling out...

would we feel this sub-conscious about missing teeth? I just found out that someone I know of has a full set of dentures. He's 39 and no one seems to care, but tell them you wear a rug, and it is suddenly a big deal.

How about a missing limb. Have you ever seen someone like that? Did you stare. Did you think they were less than human?

What's the big freaking deal about missing hair?

You all know what I'm talking about. It's THAT LOOK. The one where they look at the top of your head while they are talking to you. Don't you just want to slap 'em?! :-x