Do you guys ever just wish...


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That you could wake up one morning touch your head, feel a full head of hair there and just realize that your hairloss was one big nightmare?

I wish it was that easy...

I'm only 20 and in college and everyone I see on campus with exception of the professors have a full head of hair.

I mean during lectures I'm fixated and just stare at the heads of all the guys in the class and just wonder, why me?!

It just doesn't seem fair sometimes... In high school I used to get all the girls now I can't even get a girl to take a second look at me.

I just never realized how a full head of hair could make such a difference in a person's self confidence and self esteem.

If I somehow could get a full head of hair again I would never take it for granted.

Seriously, I would give up just about anything I own for a full head of hair.


Established Member
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Well, I can tell you that I am in the exact same boat.

I am a junior in college and I think all the same things you do. In fact, it wasn't until i started taking propecia that I stopped thinking so much about it. One thing I can tell you though, and i am stealing this line from someone else I read on here, is that male pattern baldness is a lot like cancer in that it is something you never think about if you don't have it. Unless you're hairloss is pretty obvious (as in you could notice it from a difference), people around you probably don't notice or even look at your hair because male pattern baldness is something that they never think about. And the ones that are compulsively looking at other people's hair probably have male pattern baldness themselves.

I consider my hairloss to be rather significant as that it takes a lot of careful work for me to make sure my scalp doesn't show through and if i can't get it to work then i just throw on a hat.

Also, whenever I walk around campus I usually end up checking out other people's hair. It's a very bad habit but its almost second nature to me now.

If you doing all you can to treat male pattern baldness, it helps you out a lot more mentally.
I've been on it 3 months now. I still worry about how i look a lot but i know that im doing all i can for it. Just gotta try to change your frame of mind, i guess. Sorry this post is so eratic. I'm pretty tired.

Good luck.


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WindyCityHair said:
That you could wake up one morning touch your head, feel a full head of hair there and just realize that your hairloss was one big nightmare?

I wish it was that easy...

I'm only 20 and in college and everyone I see on campus with exception of the professors have a full head of hair.

I mean during lectures I'm fixated and just stare at the heads of all the guys in the class and just wonder, why me?!

It just doesn't seem fair sometimes... In high school I used to get all the girls now I can't even get a girl to take a second look at me.

I just never realized how a full head of hair could make such a difference in a person's self confidence and self esteem.

If I somehow could get a full head of hair again I would never take it for granted.

Seriously, I would give up just about anything I own for a full head of hair.

Same here is almost like a nightmare, every morning i will wake up and feel my hoping that everything is just a bad dream. But then its not LoL...


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If you doing all you can to treat male pattern baldness, it helps you out a lot more mentally.
I've been on it 3 months now. I still worry about how i look a lot but i know that im doing all i can for it. Just gotta try to change your frame of mind, i guess. Sorry this post is so eratic. I'm pretty tired.

I didn't think it was erratic at all. I thought it was great. That's a great attitude.


Established Member
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Yeah I know I could be wrong, lol

but it isn't that hard to post from another computer... say in your own house, your school, a friend's, next door neighbhour, etc etc...

-He posts like Gunner...
-rambles like Gunner...
-leaves a space in between each line like gunner...
-is telling some sort of story like Gunner...
-joined on the 24th of December, a few weeks after Gunner left...coincidence?
-he's a brand new newbie, yet is remarkably like Gunner...

the possibility is there, ya gotta admit!!


Senior Member
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Rawbbie said:
but it isn't that hard to post from another computer... say in your own house, your school, a friend's, next door neighbhour, etc etc

well then he flew to another continent to make this post. Not even close bro. Actually you'd be more suspect than Gunner :)


I think we've all felt like that in the beginning. It gets easier as time passes. You're trying to do something about it so if it works out great, if not, you'll learn to move on. Does it suck? yes. But you know what, It could be a hell of a lot worse.


Established Member
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Heh... well if it's an overseas IP then I guess I'm wrong again, dammit!!
I guess I should lower my suspicions a bit huh


Senior Member
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Rawbbie said:
Heh... well if it's an overseas IP then I guess I'm wrong again, dammit!!
I guess I should lower my suspicions a bit huh

Yes, you are clearly out to destroy gunner and his credibility. Leave him alone and stop calling his house harassing him all hours of the night. And for god's sake, quit threatening his family. They had nothing to do with your's and gunner's dirty business deal. Get over it!


Experienced Member
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im going to bed now

i hope to have fuckin afro when i wake up.........

ill type a reply when i wake up, see if i have afro or shitro :freaked2:

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Rawbbie said:
Heh... well if it's an overseas IP then I guess I'm wrong again, dammit!!
I guess I should lower my suspicions a bit huh

Rawbbie, you behaved like a bully to Gunner. :refilao:

Our only resource of entertaining Norwood stories has gone . :(

U better start posting some "Norwood" stories under a different name :)

The Gardener

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That's right, Rawbbie. You better start cheering for the 'Arse' or all good karma on this board will be destroyed.

The Gardener

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Hey Bis!... Happy New Year.

As for Gunner's stories, they are not nearly appreciated as much they are here at I wish he'd come back.


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The Gardener said:
Hey Bis!... Happy New Year.

As for Gunner's stories, they are not nearly appreciated as much they are here at I wish he'd come back.

Happy New Year Gardener !

The Gunner stories always reminded me to the beginning of my male pattern baldness career. I really hope Gunner isn't that depressed about his hairloss as one could infer from reading his posts.
Seeing what's going on in Thailand and Sri Lanka ... I can only say that hairloss isn't the worst thing in life.


Experienced Member
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WindyCityHair said:
That you could wake up one morning touch your head, feel a full head of hair there and just realize that your hairloss was one big nightmare?

I wish it was that easy...

I'm only 20 and in college and everyone I see on campus with exception of the professors have a full head of hair.

I mean during lectures I'm fixated and just stare at the heads of all the guys in the class and just wonder, why me?!

It just doesn't seem fair sometimes... In high school I used to get all the girls now I can't even get a girl to take a second look at me.

I just never realized how a full head of hair could make such a difference in a person's self confidence and self esteem.

If I somehow could get a full head of hair again I would never take it for granted.

Seriously, I would give up just about anything I own for a full head of hair.

I know how you feel. WindyCityHair if you want something you gotta fight for it, fairys are not comming into your house at night to give you hair.