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HAIRLOSSHELP: When you start your trials in September 2004, are these limited to a specific number of people, or are these ongoing treatments/trials that will continue indefinitely?

PROF. BAZAN: At that stage (final trial, mid to full size impregnations) it will be an "Open" yet limited (in number of subjects) trial. A "limited commercial" trial, if you like. The already registered individuals can become patients if they wish. The pre-registered patients have priority, of course.
After that list is satisfied, then we will present publish the results, and we will (likely) have clearance for a full blown commercial availability. Yet, we can only do 2 patients per 7 day week. If we could have the commercial capacity of opening branches we would open more impregnation centers (while keeping one centralized matrix-culture center in Aguascalientes).


If this works then it could be a lifeline for until stemcell treatement is possible.


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Two comments I want to make on the interview with Dr. Bazan.

1) They ask the question about how they are going to control the direction of hair growth. WHO THE F#CK CARES?!? Just put the gd hairs on my head, and let ME worry about styling. It's called gel, people! Not just that, but the "messy hair" look is still in, and I don't think it will go out of style and back to the Beaver Clever look any time soon.

2) It is sort of interesting that they will only work with patients with Norwood 3 or higher (I think that's the number). I am wondering if it is because the hairline seems to go first in the balding process, that they want to show that hairs can grow on the top of the head for a few years, get the stamp of approval from the FDA, and then another few years after that, all those new hairs are dying all over again. Just a thought. I have nothing to back this idea. I just wonder about the details of how they are working with the hair line.

Thanks for the link.


I read that the hairline will still need traditional hair transplant.

I don´t really know what to expect anymore. I know that they will crack the problem - I just want it cracked ASAP.