Do you shampoo every day? the science may surprise you....


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Growing up I was told to shampoo every other day at most to let the oils build a little and to let the hair breathe. not alot of science back then

Now I know there are reasons justified for not shampooing every day BUT - in general -

Do you shampoo every day? WHY or WHY NOT?

I shampoo every day now to massage and wash away the unhealthy secretions. I use Dr. Bronner because it is simple ingredients. I do not believe in expensive shampoos as I only see now benefits that cannot be better or cheaper absorbed orally - like biotin

I also add 2-3 drops of rosemary (every day) 2-3 drop of tea tree (every second day) and a little lavender, and beta sitosterol directly to shampoo in hand and lather it.... It gives me peace of mind...peppermint gives me a head buzz!!!

WHAT do you do? do you condition? NOT ME


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I wash my hair twice per day have been doing so for years, plus i use a cleanser oils scrubber brush prior to using a shampoo. I use different natural shampoo like Regenepure DR, Lipogaine, Revita, etc. I also oil my scalp every other day with different natural oils to replace my oils. Considering I use minoxidil twice per day I find a clean scalp is much better for treatments.


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What type of oils do you use? Rosemary is my obvious choice. I have heard some benefit from tea tree - but only if dandruff is an issue.


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What type of oils do you use? Rosemary is my obvious choice. I have heard some benefit from tea tree - but only if dandruff is an issue.
I use Divine Herbal oils, I use to mix myself but cost way more money mixing oils and essential oils.

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