cook'n'milkies said:oops, i voted and i've only been on finasteride for a couple months. i didn't read the message, my mistake.
Aplunk1 said:I voted, although I am currently off Propecia. When I was on it, however, I had a major decrease in libido.
well, you know what they say: "it's never to late to start!"Leirro30 said:Been on Propecia for one year now and no sexual sides to speak of.
Bash said:yeah, i got admit my libido's taken quite a beating. But it's really quite the rollercoaster with mad jones somedays of the week and TOTAL disinterest on the others. I usually hope that my horndog days end up in the weekend otherwise they'll come on a monday or tuesday and what the heck am I suppose to do about it then?
so just 2% of people then? hmmm.even allowing for the whole "people with problems are more likely to post" theory thats a pretty significant difference.
genetically ungifted said:I am currently 26, and it has decreased my sex drive so much that I need to take v**** to have sex... I can't stop propecia either damnit because it works so well. I need the hair to get sex, but the sex is $#iT with propecia i'm screwed either way!!!!