Do you think a permanant cure to baldness would be revealed


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to the public? Hair loss is a multi-million dollar industry...if a permanent fix was revealed then profits would cease. Maybe our food will begin to be injected with hormones that induce baldness so an increasing number of people would have to buy this "imaginary product" (imaginary at the moment). What do you guy think?


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You can't ask things like that here, everyone knows this forum has operatives working for *them*.

You had better run for the hills right away, the last person who dared speak the truth disappeared with no trace.

*They* are probably coming for you already, run, run now and don't go near the internets again!


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No I should be fine, maybe I'll have accusations planted on me to make me seem like a crazy person so no one would believe me but that's about it. Now if I had the actual cure for baldness...I would probably hide in Mexico.


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I think it already has, it's called: "Hair Transplants."

Of course, they still need to perfect it, which is probably not achievable within our lifetime. :)


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Are you kidding? They only care about how much $$$$$$$$$ they make selling their products to people hair loss. If people didn't have hair loss than they would be out of the money = bad for them, but good for us.

Unfortunately, they will try to keep the "cure" away for as long as they can


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Sebastien said:
uhh imagine the price they could ask for the cure

That would be a one time cost. Plus they can't make it too high or normal people wouldn't be able to afford it. Thus they would make less money = bad