You also need to use a 2% Ketoconazole Shampoo for the remaining 2 days of the week. This needs to be spaced out so separate these days with 3 to 4 days in between. Do this for the first 4 weeks only. After that you only need to use it once a week to maintain results. It not only helps fight inflammation on your scalp caused which causes hairloss, but it also has Anti-androgenic properties to prevent local DHT build up on your scalp.
Also, Ketoconazole Shampoo is in the "Big 3" of hairloss treatments. So extremely recommended.
You will also need to get a second Alpecin product called "Alpecin Caffeine Liquid". This needs to be applied to your scalp twice a day (morning and evening) and must be left in your hair the whole day.
Derma-rolling only needs to be done once a week at 1.5mm, so if you haven't gotten any results with any results with Minoxidil or if you're experiencing side effects on Minoxidil and you want a natural alternative which has no side effects and unlink Minoxidil, won't make you lose your hair gains when you stop using Minoxidil (Minoxidil makes hair dependant of Minoxidil) then i would recommend you use Essential Oils and Carrier Oils instead of Minoxidil.
With the regimen I recommend for you, the only time you would apply Minoxidil or the hair oils is once a day, at night (before bed) because you will be using the Alpecin Caffeine Liquid in the morning and evening. So you can leave either the Minoxidil or Hair oil mixture in your scalp overnight and wash out in the morning.
If you do decide to use the hair oils instead of Minoxidil, which I recommend, I would suggest you use the following Essential oils mixed together:
100% Pure Rosemary Oil + 100% Pure Peppermint Oil.
Then you will need a Carrier Oil. Mix Extra Virgin (Organic) Coconut Oil with the Essential Oil mixture I recommended above.
Make sure you buy high quality oils. Essential Oils must be 100% Pure and the Carrier Oil must be Virgin/Organic/Extra Virgin. If it's not, you won't get all the nutrients for your hair and will be mostly useless.
Alpecin is Germany's best selling men's Shampoo and the top selling product for assisting in preventing hair loss in Asia, yet it is very cheap. How amazing.