Doctor/Clinic review exercise- please help me decide


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Fellow pre- and post-op hair transplant patients, after reading through the most prominent forums, I have decided that I would like to undergo an hair transplant procedure (for the first time).

I am researching it further and would like to conduct an exercise of sorts to help with my final doubts, and I hope you will participate. I'll keep it short.

I'm going to list the Doctors/Clinics I've shortlisted, and I'd like you to grade the one(s) who you've been treated by.
I'll add up the totals for each category and see where the votes lie.
The total numbers go into a decision matrix where the bottom line adds up the pros and cons and comes out with an average rating. As 'mechanical' as this sounds, the results are often the best help when tough decisions need to be made.
I'll do this in each of the forums I have registered with, and then make my final decision on who to book with for the big day. I will leave this open for one month, for myself. If it turns out to be a worthwhile exercise, it can continue on its own.

It would be nice to have an app that registered users could input their 'votes' for each hair transplant and over time it would simply grow with data, always comparing results in a nice easy to understand graph...

Please feel free to modify/improve on this, but also only comment on Doctors/Clinics you have personally experienced. In fact, please add Doctors/Clinics you would recommend.

Rate either a yes/no, or a scale of -5 to +5 your own experiences with each doctor/clinic, depending on the category.

Your questions to vote on are (example follows):
Doctor/Clinic= Dr. Cole IHTI
Bald scale= NW5a
Procedure type= Strip/FUE (or FUE only)
Follicles= 5500
Follicle take rate= 95%
Location= Atlanta,Georgia
Service= +4
Post-op recovery= +3
results 3 months= +2
results 6 months= +3
results 9 months= +5
Value for money= +4
Managed my expectations= +5
(Total)- add up the numbers= +26
My pics=
hair loss products= Propecia (or 'no longer using')
Dr. on hair transplant network= yes

Yes, you may not have reached 9 months yet, and so can't input a value, but it will be compared to others in the time period, eg 6 months.

The Doctors/ Clinics are (in alphabetical order):
Alvi Armani (
Dr. Cole (IHTI) (
Cosmetic medical Group (
Dr .Farjo (
Hasson and Wong (
Rahal Hair Transplant Institute (
Shapiro Medical Group (
True and Dorin Medical Group (

Thoughts/comments? Is there an easier way to do this?