Doctor Danger's Story - (22 /getting better pics included)

Doctor Danger

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hey i'm 22 starting going bald at 19, unlike Typical male pattern baldness i started to notice it around my sides then my temple began to recede here are a few pics i started to take action in december of last year
my current ragime is
Saw palmetto 450mg 2 caps per day
Nettle sting 100mg 1 cap per day
Green tea a cup a day
Nizarol shampoo 2%

I'm going to go on propecia by the end of this month

this is me at the start of feb/ early feb of this year (clearly a NW2)

this is me a couple of days ago however my hair began to shed days later dispite the sucess i dont know what i should do

side notes
this week i woke up and noticed i had a NW1 throughout the week i began to notice some shedding is this usual what do u guys think? so far my receeding hair line isnt visible but my hair is still spindlely and thin on top i'll give it another month and go on propecia


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Re: am i getting better pics included

You're covering your hairline with your hair, so there's no way to tell if it gets better or not ;)


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Re: am i getting better pics included

not to burst you bubble

but i think your hair is the same in both pics

your hair is just down and not up like in the top one

but i may be wrong

you need to take similar pics with your hair up to actually see if your improving with these natural remedies

finasteride is a good drug with a pretty good track record

especially for younger male pattern baldness suffers

saw palmetto ad stinging nettle have not been approved by the FDA for hair loss

only finasteride and min have

i would stick to things that have been proven to stop hair loss

i wouldn't wait to get on finasteride, if you think your loosing your hair you probably are



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can't really see "damage"

so it's hard to tell

i think it depends on how long the recession has been going on

if less than 5 years you probably have a good shot


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recovering your NW1 may be a stretch

i think strengthening your current hairline would be an attainable goal

Doctor Danger

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BodyDysmorphic said:
recovering your NW1 may be a stretch

i think strengthening your current hairline would be an attainable goal
how bad is my hair loss? theres individuals who'v had NW3's and they'v turned them into NW1,

heres a few pics of my hair a couple of months ago my hairline is more receeded in these pics

heres some i took yesterday




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start pulling your hair back on pics, otherwise we can't tell you if there's any improvement or not.


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Doctor Danger said:
amsch said:
start pulling your hair back on pics, otherwise we can't tell you if there's any improvement or not.
The latest 1s my hair is pulled back no sh*t
Pull it back with your hand. There's no way ANYONE can tell something about your recession in that pic.

Doctor Danger

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is it possible to buy propecia off the shelf i'm unable to buy the damn thing in the country i'm currenty residing in


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I have a quick question. If proscar side effects is too harsh, should I just continue with minoxidil? What are other alternatives to finasteride?



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i don't use them but i think they are legit

i order mind from

they however require a prescription

Avery said:
I buy from They do not require a perscription.

Yes, they are legitimate. Someone will undoubtably follow this post with a claim that they could be fake. And they could be. Mine aren't (have hair now where there wasn't before), and I haven't heard of anyone buying from inhousepharmacy who recieved fakes.

alot of people use this website