Doctor Testosterone Endorses "he Shou Wu" For Hair Loss, Has Progress Pics


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These are his references:

This video, where shows his progress pics beginning at 9:10, where the link should start at 9:10:

A quick internet search reveals this herb, from chinese herbal medicine, is mostly used for greying hair. Doctor T says it also thickened his beard and gave him a darker beard.

Do any of you know much about this herb? I'm not normally into herbs, but given the source ...


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what herb? I don't hear him talk about any herb. Dude is probably on finasteride. His knowledge about male pattern baldness sounds very vague at best.


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what herb? I don't hear him talk about any herb. Dude is probably on finasteride. His knowledge about male pattern baldness sounds very vague at best.

It's in an email he sends out.

Read this automated response if you recently asked me a question...

My Official FAQ

If your question is not answered here, follow me on snapchat
(“DocTestosterone”) and video snap me your question.

Q1) How do I get my hair back? What do I take for hair restoration,
reversing male pattern baldness & my receding hairline or to grow an
epic beard?

You see, I was balding as fvck a few months ago and was getting quite
depressed as a result.

So, instead of crying like a lil b**ch, I began reading up on
shampoos, conditioners, creams & other natural remedies for hair loss

You see, I was already eating very healthy, exercising regularly and
sleeping enough to optimize my hormonal health.

It had to be something else...

Then, after consulting with trusted experts in the field, and reading
every article & textbook I could find on the topic, I came upon a
potential solution - an ancient Chinese herb (the link to this amazing
herb is below)

This herb, known as He Shou Wu, has been shown to restore hair growth
in multiple studies (references to all scientific articles below).

Even though there were only a few papers out there which showed
hard-core scientific evidence of hair restoration & thickening, I
thought.. fvck it.. & started consuming it daily.

My thought was.. this herb has about a dozen other health benefits, so
if I'm still bald after I try it, no worries.. I'll still benefit

I started noticing the hair getting a bit thicker and fuller during
the first few weeks... and now, in approximately 5 months of taking
the herb, my hair has grown back fully :)

Especially the front part of my head where the male pattern baldness
was so obvious... it became full & thick!

The herb even improved the thickness & fullness of my beard. Instead
of having white patches and bald spots, it became dark, full & thick.
I have since been asked dozens of times if I'm a beard model. Haha ;-)

Once I personally started to get amazing results, I sent a 3 month
supply of this herb to many of my VIP members who were going bald as
well as to a large number of my teenage VIP members who couldn't grow
a beard to save their life.

I'll be honest with you- the herb did not restore hair on the head and
full beard growth in every person. But it worked quite well in a few
guys for both hair loss treatment & beard growth (Testimonials at the
end of this email).

So, this is why I'm disclosing my hair growth secret to you NOW.

I wanted to make sure it works for other VIP members, my close and
personal friends and I wanted to be 100% that the scientific research
is rigorous and has been shown to be true repeatedly. And now I'm
finally ready to reveal the secret!

And for those members of the tribe for which the herb didn't restore
hair fully, it at least made their hair much darker. The other
noticeable difference was a significant enhancement in energy levels.

Here is a YouTube video which shows my hair growth transformation over
the last few months:

(start with 9:10)

Again, if you want to see what my hair & beard currently look like,
follow me on snapchat

Copy and Paste the following link if you want to try this natural herb yourself!

(If it is “out of stock” try the link again in a few days. This stuff
sells out very quickly because everyone in our tribe has started
consuming it & many are seeing some drastic improvements.)

** Make sure you subscribe RIGHT NOW to the “Lost Empire Herbs”
website using the above link. They give away special (additional)
discounts + bonuses by emailing you. So register your email with them
using the above link ASAP!


And as always, remember to use "DOCT" for 15% OFF your order. This
coupon code will work for all products, so take advantage and order
what you want!

For a high quality He Shou Wu extract check out the only natural
herbal supplement company I trust, known as Lost Empire Herbs.

Here’s the link again mate:



July 1st, 2016

by Jim on He Shou Wu

“Holy sh*t this reversed my male pattern baldness :D

Hey Doctor I gotta be honest with you- when you sent me this herb, I was
excited but very skeptical... it's Chinese medicine for god's sake.
How could you think some powder could work to promote hair
restoration? I was thinking.. You're a fvking real doctor for god's
sake.. and you're endorsing this is Chinese holistic sh*t... wtf.
Anyway, as I tried and gave this powder a chance, my hair first turned
from grey to black. Some hairs which were fully white also turned
black. This happened in the first month. Now it has been 67 days since
I started and I notice more hair especially toward the front of my
head. My hair line in the front was receding and I used to look 10
years older than what I really was. Now, with a full-head of hair, I
look so much younger and masculine. He Shou Wu is the sh*t man. I'm
taking this herb for life. This also helped with lifting my general
energy levels... I stopped drinking coffee because I no longer need
caffeine. Thanks Doctor T. You've done it again for me.You make miracles
happen dude... Much love from Boston, MA”

June 29, 2016

by Caleb on He Shou Wu

“Hair is Back Baby!!!! And nasty beard patches are GONE!

Doctor, when I received the shipment from you, I knew it was gonnaf'in
work. Could not believe that you even Fedexed me the science papers so
I can see medical evidence of how it has worked for others in the
past. Holy sh*t dude. First 2 months or so, it was not really
noticeable.. the ugly beard patches were going away slowly and I
noticed my beard becoming fuller... but the hair on the front of the
head was still pretty bald.. but I kept taking He Shou Wu because my
energy got better. I just felt a lot upbeat all day at work and then
during my night classes. I work full-time and do continuing education
at nights as you know! I was like.. oh well, at least this sh*t is
good for something. haha. BUT... The goal was hair restoration so I
kept taking the herb, as written in your instructions. Now, after 87
days on the herb, I see an obvious difference. The front of my hair is
thick as hell man. I was going through this male pattern baldness
sh*t. I was depressed because my girlfriend kept teasing me about it..
It runs in the entire family and I hate it. Anyway,you were right.
This works like a charm and I feel quite lucky that I know you. I'm so
happy that I didn't quit taking it. I am now sharing this secret with
my older brother, dad & uncle. I owe you one Doctor T. Greetings from
Santa Barbara, CA

Holy sh*t this reversed my male pattern baldness :D


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Based on my knowledge, Heshouwu doesn't do s**t, besides it's potentially harmful to your liver, which is actually common in traditional Chinese medicine. News had it that a young man in China died from severe liver damage months ago due to overdosing Heshouwu. (I'm from China)


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i know a practitioner who i spoke to about this herb, he explained how more or less it mimics the effects of estrogen. Theres probably a healthy dose but unfortunately i can no longer ask him. He was a extrodinary herbalist, master of king fu and a creater of the dragon heads used in traditional dragon dances (a rare find). Rip sifu


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Davo you better start praying more for these new scientific treatments to come soon because non of this herbal nonsense is going to maintain or regrow your hair. Sorry to say.


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at best it might prevent hair from greying, or even give hair back its color, but does not nothing for hair growth for balding, and you could end up poisoning your liver. move on


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I tried for a a few months last summer, I admit I wasn't very strict in my regimen, would have like half a spoon mixed into my coffee/tea in the morning, if I even did. I didn't notice less shedding or hair growth, in fact, my hair continued to recede and shed as normal.

As others mentioned, I did notice less white hairs. It was noticeable because I tend to pluck out white hairs from my hair, and I noticed some of them had turned dark again on the root side. I didn't know hair could do that actually, I thought that once a hair was made in one color, it stayed that color. But anyway if it affects the liver, it's not worth it for restoring hair color alone.
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Fo-Ti does a ton of sh*t that is beneficial for hair. Including stimulating SSH and WNT which is huge. Also lowers several detrimental inflammatory markers to hair. It also induces anagen in dormant hair folicles. And much more... helps to actually take a second to look into something before writing it off... Also the toxicity is dependent on if/how the extract is made.