Does 1500-2000 seem correct to adequately fill this area?

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Basically, most of my consultations fall within these numbers, with 2000 being the highest.
I'm a 19 years old transgender who's looking to restore a female hairline, which is why it's drawn like it is. Looking at pictures from 17 years old to today, my hairloss hasn't progressed at all, so it's stabilized from the looks of things.
Thanks to anyone who responds.
Oh, and the dumb looking squares are drawn in cm/2. It's about 37cm/2 going slightly into my hair (Blending is a required thing, right?)


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I would say yes with thickness.
I just went on a consult and the Doctor said the same thing about my hair loss and its way worse.

at 19 though are you sure you want to do that now? Your hair may continue to fall out sooner than later.


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You don't need a hair transplant. And yes your hair will continue to fall out.

Don't say s-h-i-t like that....from what I see, he has frontal recession and that's all....everyone is different....having frontal recession can happen and THEN THE REST OF HAIRLOSS WILL NOT PROGRESS!!!!....EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT...I have many friends who have had some recession and they worried they'd go bald -- but they never did...
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I would say yes with thickness.
I just went on a consult and the Doctor said the same thing about my hair loss and its way worse.

at 19 though are you sure you want to do that now? Your hair may continue to fall out sooner than later.
Considering I have higher estrogen levels and near non existent testosterone levels, I think the chance of losing more hair is fairly low.
i need to do it to restore a the hairline for actual functioning reasons rather than just cosmetic


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My Regimen
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Considering I have higher estrogen levels and near non existent testosterone levels, I think the chance of losing more hair is fairly low.
i need to do it to restore a the hairline for actual functioning reasons rather than just cosmetic

Thats a good point. I didnt want to assume you were on hormones tho.
Let me ask you since you seem like you are. Are you around other trans people. I have read that finasteride can be/is used as part of a hormone treatment for trans people. Have you ever heard or seen this?

You know what kind of pisses me off. Your restoring a female hairline. Honestly that is the hairline I keep saying I want. I want my square hair back (I actually never had a square hair loss and was kind of always teased as Dracula in school due to my widows peaks). They always say they want to do a conservative hair loss but honestly who the hell wants conservative. I want to have my self confidence which means give me the strongest and most naturally untouched with age hair loss possible.

Keep us updated. Im trying to get into my surgery before the new year.
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Whoops, phone was hard to type and I tried to condense the message.
After 1.5ish years on hormones and dutasteride, I think it's too late to hope for regrowth.


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I think 2000 would work give or take


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1500-2000 grafts will do the job there for sure, as long as you have a top class DR.

Although your hairline is quite jagged, it can pass for a female hairline, i've seen women with further back hairlines, but if it's a problem for you, then it can be done.

As you're transgender the hormones you're taking means you don't have to worry about DHT like us guys, but be very careful with your choice of Doctor, make sure you have seen independent results from patient blogs from work carried out by your Dr.

hairtransplant network is good for patient blogs and for preparing yourself for the hair transplant