Does a FUT hurt?


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Hey guys, I have an upcoming FUT 3400 procedure and I am worried about the post-op pain. I think the doctor is gonna prescribe me tramadol and ibuprofen. Is this medication enough? If anyone could share their experience with post-op FUT pain and medication I would be grateful.


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You are worried about everything.


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I don't recommend getting it done. After two weeks you will have the stitches removed which is brutally painful, and their will be lot's of shock loss around the scar.

if you don't have the finances available then I suggest not going through, and considering other options such as Turkey for FUE.

Bad choice for those on a low norwood scale. I can see it as viable option for those who don't have enough grafts to harvest through FUE but not so much the latter.

takes a long time to recover.


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I had an FUT and will be having another one, the pain is not as bad as you might think. I was given valium for sleeping, which helped a lot. You might have some bleeding at night as you place the incision area on a pillow. I slept leaning back on a pillow so the grafts did not touch it for a few nights, it also helps to prevent facial swelling. BTW no pain when I had the stitches removed after 10 days.


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Are you glad you got it done? Thanks for sharing your experience

Yes I am, there is nothing like having hair grow back after you lost it. Actually the worst pain I had was getting the shots in the forehead above the eyes at the start of the procedure. Once you get past that the rest is a piece of cake. The shots only take a few seconds.