Does any of the boyz on finasteride get the occasional monster load?


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I mean huge, Peter North style. Just curious.

(yes, I washed my hands before typing-thankyou)


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Did you accidently give yourself a pearl necklace? -_-

Hey SE, you're on finasteride? Do you still do the SE? Are you doing well on that?


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TheOliviaTremorControl said:
hello gorgeous
you're on finasteride?
Yes, I am 56 days in.
Do you still do the SE?
Yes, very consistently.
Are you doing well on that?
What do you mean by "well"? I started treatments prior to the 8 month mark. After 3-4 months of SEing I had reduced shedding and dandruff but this is it.

I am experiencing regrowth very early on my regimen though. My scalp should have been in good shape.