Does Any Other Top Surgeons Offer Unshaven Fue Apart From Dr Cole?


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Hi everyone, I have been researching for a while and there seems to be very little information about unshaven fue on the various forums.

I want to do an unshaven procedure (unshaven in donor & recipient) and that is my only option.

Is there any other top Surgeons worldwide that offer the Unshaven Fue Procedure? (unshaven is my only option)

I have researched a lot about Dr Cole in Atlanta, and to be honest he seems to fit all my requirements and from what i can see is a top surgeon. Unfortunately the blocking point is he is a bit over my budget

Any help would be much appreciated!
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Shaven will give you optimal results. You are willing to compromise this for a few months of looking abnormal?

Turkey has some great surgeons and you'll be paying tonnes less.