Does Anyone Have Any Good News About Upcoming Treatments - Please Share It Here - We Need Some


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apparently replicel will launch their NextGen 3000 Shower HairFall Calculator in january, it should be announced at the upcoming hair congress


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There, there. You already know what the situation is. Stay strong, bro.

Thanks man! You know how it is, the constant stress wears me down. Sometimes keeping hope alive helps me. As John Lennon sang, "Whatever gets you through the night, it's alright, it's alright."

New coworker who was very visibly balding previously but still had a good amount of hair came in today with a shaved head, saying he didn't like hair.... It looks okay but seeing him come in and the fear in his eyes and the absurd pretense he has to put forth (he doesn't like hair, yeah okay...) - it's just gut wrenching. Very few things in life have obliterated my sense of equilibrium and sense of self the way hair loss has.


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Fevipiprant 2019 and follica hopefully. Hopefully Brotzu and shiseido 2018. I know a lot of people don't believe in Brotzu but as long as the pharma company says they are doing trials I have hope until they tell us it doesn't work


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To this date, Histogen has ZERO HAIR CLINICS globally.

Here's the OFFICIAL HISTOGEN RESPONSE to my email inquiry:

Good Morning,

Histogen presently has no hair grown drugs on the market, but we hope to initiate clinical trials of our product in the future. Please search, where any future studies sponsored by Histogen will be registered.

Thank you and best regards,

Tysheena Jackson

Office Assistant

Histogen, Inc.

(858) 200-9520


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Really? They HOPED TO DO THIS IN 2011. It's now SIX YEARS LATER!


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Thanks man! You know how it is, the constant stress wears me down. Sometimes keeping hope alive helps me. As John Lennon sang, "Whatever gets you through the night, it's alright, it's alright."

New coworker who was very visibly balding previously but still had a good amount of hair came in today with a shaved head, saying he didn't like hair.... It looks okay but seeing him come in and the fear in his eyes and the absurd pretense he has to put forth (he doesn't like hair, yeah okay...) - it's just gut wrenching. Very few things in life have obliterated my sense of equilibrium and sense of self the way hair loss has.


It's not the same but I'll throw this in there. I fractured the cusp of a premolar tooth today. One side of the tooth just broke off and crumbled while I was eating a snack. I've been really sleepy around 2 pm each day at work for the last two years. I broke a bone for the first time two years ago. And you know, the balding thing. f***, I'm 25 man, and I feel like my body is deteriorating. But also, what the f*** did I expect? I can't last forever, I know that. I know I'll be an old man someday and that just like everyone else, I'll wonder where the time went and if I even spent my time on this planet well. And I'll wonder what it is like to be gone.

Not to be histrionic, but this is what the pressure of my own mortality feels like as it begins to knock at my door. It's scary because we all know where aging leads and it isn't anywhere good and there's often nothing we can do.


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Kerastem's Phase 2 in the united states completion and data collection is Oct 31st.

Not that people care about Kerastem. The results will likely be similar to the previous Kerastem trial results from other countries.


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Kerastem's Phase 2 in the united states completion and data collection is Oct 31st.

Not that people care about Kerastem. The results will likely be similar to the previous Kerastem trial results from other countries.

What is Kerastem?

I was really hoping for Histogen. You know why? Because it CAN restore vellus hairs, 100%. Unlike Minoxidil, Histogen
actually works for one hair growth cycle.

However, they've been in the "STUDY/FUNDING" phase for TOO LONG (2011). That's never a good sign. And they don't have
ONE clinic available. NOT ONE.

Why advertise at this point? Seriously, their business model sucks, big time. What's the point, to get donations?


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To this date, Histogen has ZERO HAIR CLINICS globally.

Here's the OFFICIAL HISTOGEN RESPONSE to my email inquiry:

Good Morning,

Histogen presently has no hair grown drugs on the market, but we hope to initiate clinical trials of our product in the future. Please search, where any future studies sponsored by Histogen will be registered.

Thank you and best regards,

Tysheena Jackson

Office Assistant

Histogen, Inc.

(858) 200-9520
Bro where the hell have you been... this is old news. Hardly anyone takes histogen seriously these days.


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Fevipiprant, 2019 will be the more excitement real treatment, of course for asthma, but we will easy to get online. And we will know exactly how good this kind of drug is with the results of phase 2 by allergan on setipiprant for androgenetic alopecia by the end of 2018.
All the others things are far away, with small or unknown companies that have nothing already on the market and most of that "treatments " will died before even show any results on clinical trial.

Histogen, Folica, etc, etc, all the same crap as adderans was. No real clinical trials, no results, etc.
Breezula and other stuff ( like that crap finasteride topical that will go systemic in a % ) are from small companies that have nothing on the market. So who knows, breezula have being in phase 2 for the last 5 years ! lol .


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Fevipiprant, 2019 will be the more excitement real treatment, of course for asthma, but we will easy to get online. And we will know exactly how good this kind of drug is with the results of phase 2 by allergan on setipiprant for androgenetic alopecia by the end of 2018.
All the others things are far away, with small or unknown companies that have nothing already on the market and most of that "treatments " will died before even show any results on clinical trial.

Histogen, Folica, etc, etc, all the same crap as adderans was. No real clinical trials, no results, etc.
Breezula and other stuff ( like that crap finasteride topical that will go systemic in a % ) are from small companies that have nothing on the market. So who knows, breezula have being in phase 2 for the last 5 years ! lol .

Yea Novartis is no joke. They are worth $224 Billion and they are the 4th largest Pharmaceutical company in the world by revenue. Fevi should come out exactly 2019 with no delays like these other fly-by startups.

Also they are Swiss so they are always on time :)