Does Biotin Help Hair Recover From A Bad Shed?


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Hey lads, like all of you I'm currently dealing with hair loss, but recently it's gotten really bad. 19 y/o male, I've had hair "shed" for the last two years, but recently it's just been much worse than usual. It's gotten to the point where my scalp is much more apparent when I look at myself in the mirror. I'm finding hair everywhere: on my laptop, my clothes, my face, pillow, you name it. Also because of this I'm afraid to take showers because all the hair that I see in my hands gives me anxiety. Science says that these hairs will grow back (albeit thinner), but I've got really sensitive skin prone to dandruff, sebum, and general inflammation, possibly interfering with regrowth. I was thinking about ordering some biotin to speed up the regrowth process but idk how effective that is. What do you guys think?

Currently on no regimen, but looking to start.
For more info about me/where I'm at right now see here:

Agustin Araujo

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I did notice Biotin helped make my hair appear thicker and grow faster, no improvement of hair loss from it though. I take the supplement but not for hair loss purposes.

Agustin Araujo

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It really seemed like Biotin helped make my hair grow faster, I did noticed an improvement in quality when I take it than when I don't. But who knows really, my hair doesn't grow as fast as it used to before l was struck with Male Pattern Baldness, and that also counts my DHT resistant hair too.


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I wouldn't count on biotin for any miracles except your hair growing faster or looking slightly more healthy. Biotin is pretty damn cheap so just give it a try. The only thing I would worry about is some people report acne/cystic acne with biotin so look out for that. I've been on 1000mcg for a few months and I now ordered some 5000mcg and 10,000mcg pills. I'm planning on using the 5,000mcg before I switch to 10,000mcg. I'm only doing this to test how my body will react to the biotin in terms of acne otherwise I would have just taken 10,000 from the beginning without caring.


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Biotin is essential for hair growth although it's extremely likely you already get sufficient biotin. To be sure it's worth supplementing but don't expect to notice any difference (although there might be a slightly increased growth rate).

@ForeverLacey Simply not true. My crown hair had pretty much stopped growing, I was getting terrible nutrition, drinking heavily, smoking, and had male pattern baldness. Since starting treatment, specifically minoxidil, I've had to cut my hair twice as much as I used to. Also people with biotin or zinc deficiencies and alcoholics have been shown to have a severely decreased hair growth rate.


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You can choose to believe it or not, but it is true.

Any source, any evidence? I'm not choosing anything. I'm willing to change my mind if presented with evidence. My own ancedotal reports don't mean much, but I have read studies showing that deficiencies can slow hair growth rate.


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It just makes my hair grow faster, longer. I don't think it does anything for Androgenetic Alopecia but its good for hair over all.


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Deficiencies yes it may help, in a totally healthy person your hair growth rate is genetic. I'll be glad to dig something up, but I feel that could find it on your own.

Oh yeah I agree that if you are completely healthy then your growth rate will be determined completely by our genetics. We are on a forum for hair loss so I was presuming we meant people who weren't completely healthy. Thus my example of me being extremely unhealthy and this having an effect on my hair.