Does Completely Block Type 2 5ar? 7 Words.


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Merck's prescribing info for Propecia state that Type 2 5AR contribute to two-third of DHT in our body, while Type 1 contribute to the rest one-third, and there are clinical data show that Propecia can reduce scalp DHT level by ~65%, which is almost close to two-third, does that means Propecia completely block any 5AR in scalp? Of course this is assumed that Type 2 5AR's DHT contribution ratio is same across our whole body.

If propecia indeed block all the Type 2 5AR, we might be confident to say there are other hair loss contribution factor that we are still not fully understood, and it might also explain why some people response to propecia better than other people, because for them, DHT is the only cause, but for other bad responder or non-responder, DHT is just the tip of iceberg.


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No Finasteride does not completely block 5AR2. It has also been shown that some non responders may respond better to Duasteride, genetically speaking. Duasteride more completely blocks 5AR2 (and 5AR1 which really has nothing to do with hair loss).

If you do not respond to either of these drugs, which is unlikely, then it is certainly possible you do not have androgenic alopecia. Testosterone alone does not seem to cause hair loss without DHT.


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Right it stops 3/4 of it, but not all of it. Response to propecia? different AR receptor genes, density, and timing of when you stop DHT could be very important too. After male pattern baldness starts its no longer androgens causing miniaturization other processes come into play.
You need to start EARLY, and part of it is again genes and AR receptors you were born with. male pattern baldness is a very androgen mediated disease though I mean AAs work for like 85 percent of all men that is a very high percentage. Its all statistics.