Does drinking a lot of booze reduce effectiveness of drugs ?


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I was thinking, if drinking (something I often partake in) causes known damage to the liver, that must mean it inhibits the function of the liver, and somehow, perhaps, reduces effectiveness of drugs metabolized through said liver...

I dunno.. really, just an idea.. is it known to be a bad idea for hair care, to drink a lot ?


Re: Does drinking a lot of booze reduce effectiveness of dru

IwantMyhair said:

I was thinking, if drinking (something I often partake in) causes known damage to the liver, that must mean it inhibits the function of the liver, and somehow, perhaps, reduces effectiveness of drugs metabolized through said liver...

I dunno.. really, just an idea.. is it known to be a bad idea for hair care, to drink a lot ?

Man wft! stop drinking like an idiot then.


Re: Does drinking a lot of booze reduce effectiveness of dru

IwantMyhair said:
is it known to be a bad idea for hair care, to drink a lot ?

no, although excesive drinking can be detrememental overall health, there is no specific threat to haircare or metabolizing of medications that I know of.

I expect at alcohol intakes approaching 16-20 units a night hair loss as an issue becomes less and less important as you hysterically laugh at a police officer while you try and explain what you are doing naked on the motorway.


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long term heavy drinking CAN affect hair quality, that doesnt mean it WILL. If drinking affected the effectiveness of finasteride, i think there would be some documentation on the topic, however i don't know everything and i suggest you go and see doctors and dietiticans to get this clarified.

think of this thought, there are homeless bums and alcoholics with full heads of hair and there are vegans with chrome dome's....

It's the DHT and the DNA that does it, face fact's, devise a solution, take action and conquer!


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*** You going to war in Iraq COULD cause hairloss- because of the stress you would be under, it might induce hairloss, considering all the rebels you'd be avoiding everyday..

*** Jerking off 10 times a day COULD increase testosterone and make your hairloss SLIGHTLY worse.

*** Arguing with your girlfriend everyday COULD induce hairloss, because it would be stressful.

*** Being involved in a plane crash in an African jungle, and surviving it, then being taken hostage by tribesmen MIGHT cause hairloss- because you'd be stressed as to what they might do with you

There are so many MIGHTS- and quite frankly, all of these MIGHTS are complete GARBAGE.

What is going to cause your hairloss is MALE PATTERN BALDNESS.


male pattern baldness (Male Pattern Baldness) is NOT triggered by ANYTHING- it is genetic, and IF YOU HAVE IT, YOU HAVE IT. IF YOU DON'T, YOU DON'T.

The above mentioned "reasons" MIGHT be factors in ACCELERATING your male pattern baldness, but NOT causing it. If you're stressed, you MIGHT go bald earlier- and this is ONLY if you have male pattern baldness.

You might lose a year in the battle because of stress- I hope you realize how stupidly insignificant this is- you'll go bald at 24 instead of 25 if you're always stressed- and if this happens, it's all THEORY. Not proven.

If you do not have male pattern baldness, then you will NOT GO BALD, NO MATTER HOW STRESSED YOU ARE, NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. YOU WILL ***NOT*** LOSE YOUR HAIR IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE GENETICS OF male pattern baldness (In MOST cases)

Basically, if you're thinning bro, then you have male pattern baldness and you will one day go bald. Drinking has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it aside from the stress factor mentioned above.

Get it??????????????

Stop looking for excuses, man. Get on medication, NOW.


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No excuses here, I'm working on my 3rd month of Propecia use and other 'hair care' items. :)

I just wanted to get some opinions from you guys, basically... I am not an alcoholic or anything of that nature, I just wanted to see what people though of drinking and drug metabolization, etc..

Thanks for the good info guys.



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What I'm basically trying to tell you is that there are TONS of guys on here that keep asking questions as to why they're losing their hair- from stress, to other rediculous related illnesses.

And, it's safe to say, that 99.99% of these guys have NO other problems except MALE PATTERN BALDNESS- basically, they are looking for "denial" excuses and want to believe they aren't losing their hair as a result of genetics. BUT--- The longer they believe this, well, the more hair they lose.

And you know what??

It is in their WORST interests for them to believe that.

Because the longer they look for "excuses" like stress, etc, the longer they lose their hair- and the shorter amount of time they have to re-grow it.

Propecia will most definately make a major impact in their hairloss- but ONLY if they start it on time.

ONLY if they start it when they notice it's thinning.

The longer they wait, the more hair they lose, and the LESS hair Propecia will be able to grow.

So the longer they try to decide that it is stress, the more hair they will lose PERMANENTLY.

The minute they get on Propecia, the more chance (and almost 90% chance) they have of keepiong their hair.

Do the math.

Don't be another idiot coming on here and looking for excuses.

Get on Propecia.


Drinking will improve your hair!

Alkohol shrinks your nuts = no testosterone = no DHT (besides other not so nice side effects).


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drinking == more fat == more estrogen == less hairloss :)


drinking = reduction in cortisol = reduction in stress = less stress related hairloss :)


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drinking = getting plastered = forgetting about hair loss for a night (and the next morning)



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Yes, I think its safe to say that drinking is the one vice that makes the world go around. God bless alcohol. :)