Does it look like I have a hope?


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I'm in the middle of the month 7 on Fincar and nizoral, (started June 4) and seen nothing good. When my five-inch-long hair is wet and mussied up, I can see a horseshoe emerging. The fact that it looks totally normal dry only comforts me a little, since I know it's a "lie."

However, for the past week or so, my normal shedding rate of 150 per shower has halved. This is the first time it's done this in more than a year. Also, a higher percentage of the shed hairs than before (although still a minority) are very light, very short ones. Can i take these as positive signs?

side note: I have sometime access to a digital camera, but I have no idea how to post pictures. Can anyone here tell me how to set that up, or point to some URL that contains info on that?


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wow, that is definitely good news man!

i've been on the same regimen for 5 months and lost hair... but its good to hear that you are beginning to turn around at month 7... hopefully me too!!!

how often do u use nizoral?


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pbx: thanks.

moegreen: Well, I certainly *hope* I'm turning around. That's what I'm asking----if I can take the halved sheddding as a positive sign. I'm still losing like 60-80 per shower (includes towel and blow-drying counts), but it was remaining at 150 for a good year and a half before that. Also, are those short, (about 1.5 inch) light hairs I'm losing a sign of thickening to come?

Neuortic I am. It's painful knowing what I'd look like if I got a buzz cut or something. The emerging pattern looks like a Norwood 5.5. Longish hair is a brilliant disguise, but a disguise all the same.


Jaygee said:
side note: I have sometime access to a digital camera, but I have no idea how to post pictures. Can anyone here tell me how to set that up, or point to some URL that contains info on that?

Get your pictures on to your computer, they will likely come off your camera as JPEGs

Goto hit the browse button on the imageshack webpage.

This will bring up a dialoge box, point it towards your JPEG of choice.

Hit OK or Enter or whatever.

Imageshack will give you back a page of code for the image.
Copy the very top one and paste it into your posts here.


If you want to get into more depth, you can set up a free account which lets you manage all your images, edit them, delete them etc.


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Thanks again. Now I just gotta wait another few weeks until I go home again. That's where dad's camera resides.

Any thoughts on the shedding?


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New morning---shedding still low (about 50 this time.) Quite a few short, light ones again.


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And now 60 this morning. Not so many short ones, but ones that are super thin, much more so than usual. (It's scary to see that there are hairs on my head that are that thin.) On a few of them, the difference between the ends' thicknesses was much higher than I've ever seen before. That's frightening, and I hope it doesn't mean this process is speeding up. (If it started five years ago, like I think it did, it's been rather slow).

I really hope this halved shedding means a month 7.5 turnaround.


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i think not counting hairs will help instead of counting everyday how many hairs u shed


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I had stopped counting for a while, only doing it every now and then with the same numerical result. I only started again last week when I noticed less on my hands.