Does it make sense to add PDG2 blocker to my finasteride+RU+minoxidil regime?


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Hi All,

I`m using finasteride+minoxidil for 5 years, 1.5 years ago I decided to add RU to my regime as the shedding returned (finasteride is not working as it used to be at the beginning - 2-2.5 years).
After adding RU there was great improvement (stopped shedding completely + small regrowth), but of course as we all know this condition is not permanent and lately the shedding came back (my hairline moved a bit and).

After reading the latest reviews about PDG2 blockers, I`m thinking about adding CET to my regime and will be happy to hear your advice.

1) Will CET attack the male pattern baldness from a different/additional direction?
2) Does it make sense to use CET with RU? I read at some forum that both working in a similar way and on the same hormones, is it correct?
3) What is the best PDG2 blocker so far? CET, Indo/Chromo, Ramatroban, OC?

I`m thinking to go for CET as i saw good reviews about it and of course because of the price, all Iron Dragon products are very expensive and their shipping prices are ridiculous!!!!!

Thanks for the help!!


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Cetirizine and RU work through very different routes. RU is an antiandrogenic, while cetirizine is "supposed" to work against the PGD2 released by the mast cells (I said "supposed" because all the evidence we have of cetirizine working as a PGD2 inhibitor is just one single study from like more than 20 years ago... while there's also another study saying it does not act against PGD2, but that study is as old as the other one... so who knows?...). Nope, prostaglnadines are not hormones (though some of them may work in similar ways...)

You won't get the answers you're looking for, as we just don't have enough info yet, so, most people just ignore this treatments. But keep in mind, some of them were tried by a lot of people, for a long time, and yet, we still don't have a clear result. That should tell you something...

A lot of guys tried OC last year. Almost nobody reported any kind of result. Just a couple of guys said it worked for them, but their results were pretty insignificant. Not only that, but even up to this point, there are still a lot of doubts about which vehicle should be used, which dose, how often, etcetera...

Ramatroban?, who knows, there's almost nobody on it... I think there were a couple of guys on the hair-site forum but they were obviously guys working for Iron-Dragon... so there's just no way to tell...

Indo+chromo... the same... there are just like 6 guys telling it worked for them (according to them, none of them got any regrowth, they just managed to stop their shedding)... later, it was discovered that one of them (Ben Carter from hlh) was also from Iron Dragon...

On an argentinian forum a lot of guys tried indo for months... it was a gigantic thread with hundreds of pages... in the end... other than the guy who opened the thread... nobody else got any result... not a single person...
(though they were using indo in a lesser contcentration than the Iron-Dragon product... but I still think Iron Dragon is s****)...

As for cet... who knows... some say it work.... some say it does not.... theres a cetirizine thread in this very forum like 90 pages long... but now it has been long forgoten... nobody got regrowth from ceirizine either... just a stop to their shedding... but unlike regrowth, that is something which is just very hard to prove...

I think the user minox86 from a german forum and baldnesssadness from here posted some pics where they showed some minimal regrowth from cetirizine on their temples... but I think minox86 said his results just not got any further and baldnesssadness discontinued the treatment saying it wasn't effective enough and his hair loss just went on...

Even guys like chromeo or cazperz... strong advocates of cetirizine who said they managed to stop their hair loss with it have already abandoned it... maybe they're just looking for more... but if it is true that cetirizine can stop your hair loss, it may be worth a shot if you still have enough hair to be saved...


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See my story with OC. it stopped my shedding completely for 6+ months now. I recommend it. It also got rid of scalp itching. So I am not willing to drop it despite price.