Does it take more guts to wear a piece or be a baldy


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If you are a NW5 and just glue the piece on, then it definitely takes more guts to be bald. If you are a thin NW2 like me, and shave off the thin stuff to put the piece over, then it can be a toss up.

Most men don't think I look old. So it does not take guts for me to be NW2. But as for getting ladies, being a NW1 would help a lot.

My only concern is getting caught changing my piece. I don't think anyone will see it otherwise. If I had a better hair line and more density in a few places, and if the doctors had bothered to aim my hair curls in the same direction and the other hair is curled, I'd stick with dermmatch. Because the docs angled my hair wrong, I have permenant bad hair. So the piece is what I'll do. I'll just use the dermmatch for the scar on the back on my head. Funny.


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I would feel a lot better about going to a party with 18 year olds if I were wearing a piece. If I could get rid of my forehead lines they would never know. But I'm sure with the piece I'd pass for 23.


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Does it take guts to be a baldy? I was a nw6 and the fact is you dont have a choice. So I guess the real question is does it take guts to be a baldy and not care?
Or do you need guts to take the risk of wearing a peice?


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both take mental strength and people who decide to accept it have my respect,and so do those who wear hair systems


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Hmm, good question actually. I'm not sure which one takes more guts, but I know I respect the baldy more.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
But I'm sure with the piece I'd pass for 23.

You'll pass for an older creepy guy trying to look younger by wearing a wig. You'll still have cooties.


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I'm getting mounting evidence that my appearance is OK, and I just need to talk more and put people at ease that way. As I'm putting myself out there more, I'm finding women are being friendlier at first, but then loosing interest the more I talk or don't talk. I still think the piece will help.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I'm finding women are being friendlier at first, but then loosing interest the more I talk or don't talk.

So what would you conclude from that?


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s.a.f said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I'm finding women are being friendlier at first, but then loosing interest the more I talk or don't talk.

So what would you conclude from that?

combined with the fact that men are treating me the same way that women are, it looks like I need to work on my social skills a lot. I still think better looks will help though. But I might do OK even without the piece if I can talk better.


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If you seek to be friendly with women, then you`ll get female friends.
But if you approach them sexually, then you`ll get a sexual response.
Flirt with them, tease them, give them a hard time. Build sexual attraction with them, not rapport.
Hair and looks wont matter much if you do this.


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Loser? Bald?

Trick women into bed with you! I guarantee you'll feel good about yourself in no time at all.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
s.a.f said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I'm finding women are being friendlier at first, but then loosing interest the more I talk or don't talk.

So what would you conclude from that?

combined with the fact that men are treating me the same way that women are, it looks like I need to work on my social skills a lot. I still think better looks will help though. But I might do OK even without the piece if I can talk better.

:woot: Finally he sees sense!


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I'm buying some books and going to learn as much socially as I can. But I'm also going to try to learn how to socialize with guys. I notice they act the same way around me that the women do, so if I can learn how to converse with them, I'll be a step closer to keeping conversations going with the women. But I'm still getting the piece. It wouldn't be my main thrust, but I'm sure it will help. At the very least it will give me a chance to get more words out before I'm blown off.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I'm buying some books and going to learn as much socially as I can. But I'm also going to try to learn how to socialize with guys. I notice they act the same way around me that the women do, so if I can learn how to converse with them, I'll be a step closer to keeping conversations going with the women. But I'm still getting the piece. It wouldn't be my main thrust, but I'm sure it will help. At the very least it will give me a chance to get more words out before I'm blown off.

If I had to guess, I would say your social problems are probably due to your over-analysis. You need to think a lot less and be relaxed in social settings. You should try not to care too much what people think about you. With guys, its best to act like you don't care and be chill. Also, following sports and watching a lot of movies and popular tv shows helps with coversations. With girls you should pay attention to them and try to make them feel special and be funny.

I think most self-help books are useless. I knew a kid once who was always reading that crap and I don't think it got him anywhere. I think the best way to learn social skills is probably to learn from those around you.

With all that said, appearance matters a lot with girls, regardless of what people tell you. You can do ok with girls without it, but you have to work a lot harder, get lucky, or lower your standards.


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some good points, mr optimist. The being funny one is such an important one, really ...

heh, ever since my hairloss and the subsequent shaving of my head I've had a carefree attitude when it comes to women. I just talk to them like friends. And, I'll be honest, a very large portion of them think I'm gay. Oh yes. Probably because I'm not hitting on them when I should be. This has its advantages; a couple of weeks ago I was asked to compare breast firmness in a group of 19-20yr olds. I totally played along with the whole gay thing there...


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so true. I think some women either suspect I'm gay, or more likely suspect I'm taken and faithful or just think I'm too good for them, because I don't hit on them. I've been told by women that they don't ask out men. They will smile at a guy they like from far away, or maybe even walk up and talk to you a bit, but if you don't keep the convo going and ask them out, they give up. One woman even told me that a guy played tennis with her and her family every day, but he did not ask her out. So she gave up on him and stopped inviting him over.

Move too fast and they leave you. Move to slow and they leave you. I did both to a woman, and salvaged it after the too slow part, but then lost it after the too fast part. I got along OK because I look OK, but I bet I would have gotten far more chances had I looked better.

Not everyone benefits from self help books. I think I do. But the wig will help a lot.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
so true. I think some women either suspect I'm gay, or more likely suspect I'm taken and faithful or just think I'm too good for them, because I don't hit on them. I've been told by women that they don't ask out men. They will smile at a guy they like from far away, or maybe even walk up and talk to you a bit, but if you don't keep the convo going and ask them out, they give up. One woman even told me that a guy played tennis with her and her family every day, but he did not ask her out. So she gave up on him and stopped inviting him over.

See, I think that even with a hairpiece you will still struggle to get things right.
And I think its the same with Taug if he was perfect looking he still would'nt have a clue how to go about things. No matter what you look like women will not be throwing themselves at you and making it as easy as you think.


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so the reason fat women throw themselves at me is no one else is hitting on them? But if ANYONE was hitting on them, they'd go for that person instead of me? Plausible. My next door neighbor found a guy even bigger than her about a month after I shot her down. Another one in my class still has not found anyone it seems.


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My friends what to shave my head! They want to do a make over and say I really need to do something with my hair.

I had just showered and had dermmatch on, but they said my front was just way to thin and ridiculous. They want to shave my head. I told them I'm open to highlights and gel, but want to keep my options open a bit longer before shaving it. This means I have to hurry up and get my piece, but also means the transition will be more fast and awkward. Fortunately I don't my friends will suspect I'm wearing. They'll probably just say, "wow, your hair is thicker." But I have to do it well and move fast. If I don't shave soon, they will think I don't like their make over advice and might not want to help me with the other stuff either. Maybe I should just tell them, but I know that is bad.