Does it work for Norwood 5VA


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I have class 4 or 5 temple recession and substantial thinning,
Oral drugs have stopped the loss but no regrowth as such, I was almost getting ready for FUT-hair transplant but few scar photos and I am feeling like no way.

Being new to hairpiece,

1. I want to know which is best solution for temporary period of say six month, which can work without shaving my head,

2. Does piece cause problem with existing hair? stop growth of new follicles? specially where you glue or tape it.

3. Natural Hairline can be achieved? pics on some sites are too good to be true, not able to determine if its scam.

Please suggest best supplier located in UK or India?


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Hopefully i can answer your questions to help you out?

1. I want to know which is best solution for temporary period of say six month, which can work without shaving my head,

It can be very difficult to atach properly without shaving existing hair but if you can get away with it just buzz cut the area you want to attach the hairpiece.

2. Does piece cause problem with existing hair? stop growth of new follicles? specially where you glue or tape it.

I still have to shave my existing hair and it hasn't disapeared yet!!Which in a way is a pain as i would prefer not to have to shave!!LOL!!
So i would say no it has no adverse effect that i have noticed.

3. Natural Hairline can be achieved? pics on some sites are too good to be true, not able to determine if its scam.

Yes what you see is what can be achieved and i can vouch for that.
Yes, there are some dodgy companies out there that use photos of guys with real hair trying to pass them off as hairpieces, but they are very much in the minority.
The pics you see on sites such as Toplace,BA hair Apparent,DirectHair,Hair Direct,Easypiece etc.. are all the genuine article.
Hard to believe at times i know but all very much true and achievable!!

Don't discount the US companies.
But for the UK i would recommend Easypiece.
Hopefully some others will come along and give their own opinions to help you.


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Thank you :) buzz cut sounds interesting.

I will check the site / product and will post my experience, if it is worth it.


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I had the same question as the OP so I went to an Advance Hair Studio. The manager there wore a piece. He even let me touch it and examine it up close. It's bloody indetectable!


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Thanks for reply, did you try AHS yourself? what your experiance? what exactly they do in Strand by Strand? do you have to shave the area?


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Nah I only went there to see the hair systems they have to offer. They offer exactly the same stuff as these online companies - I wanted to satisfy my curiosity to see how they actually feel and how they look.

Strand by strand just the marketing term they use for hair systems. The manager said nearly every AHS manager will be a user of systems themselves. So it's a good way to go examine the samples before deciding what systems you want to order, then order online instead.

It's standard hair systems procedure, they shave off the area and glue on the hair piece. There are stylists there who give you the cut-in etc. etc.

Really expensive though. Not recommended unless you got deep pockets.


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