Does Masturbation Accelerates Male Pattern Baldness?

masturbation accelerates male pattern baldness?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 16 34.0%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 12 25.5%

  • Total voters


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I know masturbation do not cause baldness. But do it accelerates the rate of male pattern baldness in a man already pre disposed to male pattern baldness? If yes, how much does it affect the rate?

Cowboys fan

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If masturbating increases dht. And to much dht causes hairloss with those with the balding gene than all you have to do is connect the dots


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random phone charger

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Yeah, google would be what one go to if they were looking that up specifically on there own. When you claim something, you usually are looked at to drop facts that support.

You've just stated its a pretty well known fact. Whereas, according to the article, it's referred to as a common myth worth debunking.

Thanks for the article though, hold the condescending antics next time.

random phone charger

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Eye for eye.

I'm a box car & a jug of wine, a wh*** in her Sunday best, and a straight razor if you get too close to me.


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Yes, for me it does 100%. On the other hand I tried to not masturbate for 20 days and was still losing hair.

Cowboys fan

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Yeah, google would be what one go to if they were looking that up specifically on there own. When you claim something, you usually are looked at to drop facts that support.

You've just stated its a pretty well known fact. Whereas, according to the article, it's referred to as a common myth worth debunking.

Thanks for the article though, hold the condescending antics next time.
The article debunking the myth was done by the company hims. And guess what they sell. Are u ready .? Heres a shocker they sell the big 3.


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Ejaculation causes a surge of DHT so it's reasonable to assume it does contribute to hair loss, how much exactly is probably minimal.

Before/during sex T maybe DHT spikes probably related to making you have energy for sex. Then it just goes back to normal. Same deal at the gym with heavy lifting. Does higher DHT for 2 hours really amount to causing male pattern baldness? Not really The other 20 hours and days without sex its just at your normal level. That spike doesnt mean a lot long term.
Your never going to have sex or lift weights or exercise ever again? Just live with it.
So it partly accelerates it short term, but it doesnt change it long term.


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Before/during sex T maybe DHT spikes probably related to making you have energy for sex. Then it just goes back to normal. Same deal at the gym with heavy lifting. Does higher DHT for 2 hours really amount to causing male pattern baldness? Not really The other 20 hours and days without sex its just at your normal level. That spike doesnt mean a lot long term.
Your never going to have sex or lift weights or exercise ever again? Just live with it.
So it partly accelerates it short term, but it doesnt change it long term.
Yeah that's right, but I never said it directly caused it. I meant that any DHT increase is bad for hair in susceptible individuals however minor it may be.


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Wow this is a really really really great Post and some really great answers from the people here like @CowboysFan , @AnxiousAndy and @tomJ

Really underrated thread but great to see the majority of male pattern baldness sufferers vote yes. I also definitely believe masturbation accelerates male pattern baldness ONLY if you are susceptible to male pattern baldness.

Furthermore, it's known that scientists don't know everything about Hairloss. We don't even know which are the other pathways that activate hairloss, etc. So I believe it's impossible to claim that they "definitely" know anything about hairloss. They especially cannot claim that male pattern baldness isn't accelerated by masturbation in individuals who are susceptible to male pattern baldness.

I'm no scientist, but I firmly believe the reason why when we exercise and we raise our Testosterone and therefore DHT, the reason why we don't accelerate male pattern baldness is because it activates different pathways as compared to the pathways that are activated when someone who is susceptible to male pattern baldness, masturbates.

That's also a really nice find Cowboys Fan, regarding what what the source company sells (the big 3)


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If anything is a myth, I believe it's this theory which comes across as a fact that masturbation doesn't accelerate male pattern baldness in susceptible individuals. And I'm glad a majority here have debunked that myth.

Because who better to say what's happening and what's not than people actually suffering with male pattern baldness. We know our bodies better than anyone. Not everything we read is factual.

Which brings me to my last important point:

I believe it is a MASSIVE LIE that only 6% of people that use Finasteride suffer from side effects. On every hairloss forum I hear of people who have had side effects and it's a major cover up going on because almost ALL hairloss forums Admins often prevent people from posting about their negative side effects from Finasteride. I'm not sure whether they doing it because they don't want to instill fear in people or whether their being rewarded in some way from the Big 3. Regardless, it's wrong to not allow people to speak their truth. Tons of people suffer from side effects of Finasteride. And horrible sides especially sexual sides. It's really not a joke and voicing your truth about sides can save others. There's tons of web pages, articles, websites etc that speak about the many side effects of Finasteride.

My guess is about 60% or more users of Finasteride have sexual side effects and over 60% have non-sexual side effects.

If anything, I think the figures were swapped and it's meant to say only 6% of Finasteride users don't get any side effects!


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Beating your meat is the last thing you should be worried about. If you have the gene you'll go bald either way.


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Well now that I know it accelerates hairloss I'm definitely never going to masturbate again.

But in terms of losing my hair due to having the male pattern baldness gene, I'm definitely not going down without a fight.

Have you guys heard of the Canadian company "Triple Hair"? Their probably going to be the first company to get an FDA approved hairloss treatment with good results in 30 years.

Thier product "TH07" has really good looking results set to be released in 2023, but they have a natural product called "TH16" which has decent results coming out in 3rd Quarter 2021!!!