Does MedicalWellNessCenter write script reason for Avodart?



I just ordered an avodart script from medicalwellnesscenter and i'm wondering if they write the reason for prescription on the script. i saw on their site that they only prescribe avodart off label for hair loss and that they do not prescribe avodart for hair loss because that requires close physician monitoring.

i used the express ordering because i didn't want to wait and they're supposed to call it into my pharmacy tomorrow morning or afternoon. do you think they will say it's for hair loss when they call?

people who have used this service before- have you had any luck in having your insurance pay for it?



ok gotcha. looks no insurance coverage for me and ill be paying 475 a year for it plus 180 for the dutas. f*****g ouch. oh well lol.

i'll try to get my derm to write a script for me for it in january.


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...these guys don't do scripts worldwide do they?

Hmmm that's probably overly hopeful... :)


nope i dont think that would ever be allowed felk considering prescriptions have to be written in the country they're filled in. a doctor licensed in the us can't write a prescription for an aussie, or vice versa, etc.


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wow, you jumped right on my first interpration fast. I'm not sure right now with all the noise it had.

I wonder if it only did the scan once. Maybe I need to find out if I can make it scan 25 times and average the scans.


yeah i got freaked out college. in all honesty the real reason im trying this is to see if avodart will be covered by my insurance. if it is then i can forget about dutas forever. otherwise i may try some avodart/dutas alternating every other day etc.


not very satisfied with these guys so far. i ordered the prescription at 7 pm last night and ordered express service within approx 24 hours so the latest the prescription should be called in is 7 pm tonight. the company is based in Mass and im in NY so these guys are the in the same time zone. ive checked with wal-mart twice today and they have no scripts in for me.

i want to hear from some people who have used the express service before if i can cause im getting pissed off. i tried calling the Medical Wellness CEnter but get the answering machine each time. Very sketchy.


It's now been 24 hours and my Wal-Mart still doesn't have the script in their possession.

I ordered express service for $20 extra from MedicalWellnesscenter because they said it would be there in approx 24 hours. I ordered it at 7 pm last night. They had all day today to do it and did not. I gave them the phone number of the Wal-Mart and the address and everything.

If they do not come through I am charging back my credit card and urging people here to avoid MedicalWellnessCenter.

If they do come through I expect a refund of my $20 for it being late.


10 mins after I post what I did above, MWC calls me on my cell and says that they had a flood in the office but are calling it in as we speak. So it's a little more than 24 hours , more like 25 and i prob won't be able to get it till tomorrow but i can't be that pissed about a flood.

i'll report back after i actually have the avodart in my possession.


My insurance came through

I don't believe it but my Blue Cross Blue Shield is paying $70 a month of the $100 a month total cost of Avodart for 30 pill costs.

So I get a year's supply of Genuine Avodart for $360 a year. Now I don't have to worry about Dutas anymore.

And it looks like Medical Wellness Center scripts will let be covered by insurance. I don't think it was that my insurance company doesn't realize that it's for hair loss. wal-mart lady said it would have covered 100% of the cost if it was for prostate but still covers 70% for hair. I can't complain man.