Does nothing work????


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I don't mean to sound desperate. But I am getting there. About three years ago after my second child was born I noticed hair loss. Not a lot. But enough to bother me. So I went to my Obgyn who recommended rogaine. I didn't like it but I tried it. And I think it helped at first. But then I forgot about using it and didn't seem to notice more hair loss. Then about a year ago I really started seeing hair coming out in the brush and everywhere. So that got me scared. I went back to my Obgyn who changed my birth control to a higher amount of progesterone which did nothing but make my periods more painful. Like I needed that! Still my hair fell out and I got on the internet to try to find a solution. I don't want to wear I wig. I don't want to undergo any kind of surgery, thank you very much! So what else is there? I have read about a laser treatment, but that kind of sounds weird. Does it work? Has anyone tried this? Also, I ran across this website Does anyone know if this stuff does anything good? Also, I saw this website that was selling a mix of minoxydil and some other drugs How about this? Please, tell me what has worked for you people. I do not want to wear a wig. But I can't afford to lose too much more hair or I will not have much choice.




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I have not been found to have anything. My Obgyn has not been very helpful. She is usually extremely busy and really smart. But not always enough time to sit and talk with me. My dermatologist also recommended Rogaine or Hairgenesis cause it is supposedly natural. And a lady friend whose husband is also I think a dermatologist recommended Ionil T shampoo which has tar. I think Neutrogena also comes out with a tar shampoo. I've heard that this can thicken your hair but man it doesn't smell so great. To tell you the truth, I would rub cat poo on my scalp if I thought it would bring my hair back. Not to be gross. Has anyone actually tried a combination of Rogaine and Hairgenesis? Is this a good idea? What about Rogaine and Ionil T tar shampoo? What about the lasers. Do they really work? Why is good information so darn hard to come by? Isn't this crazy? :shakehead: