Does propecia halt hair loss once its working?


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I'm just wondering if Propecia stops hair from falling out once it is working. I shed around 70-100 hairs a day high-balling it, but I want that to stop it or else I will be bald soon.

I've been on minoxidil for 2 months and finasteride for 1 month. I just want to know what to expect to know my regimen is working. Obviously if my hair thickens up and I regrow hair, but does hair still continue to fallout at the same rate once everything is working? Thanks for any help.


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Unfortunately its kinda more like an ebb and flow and an overall evaluation thing at intervals of 6 and 12 months. Everything else is going to change literally with what your brain manipulates you into believing. Some days your brain will tell you that you've lost 50% of your density. Other days you will think you are mister thick hair again. Reality is probably nothing had changed at all.

During the studies they evaluated at longer intervals for this reason, and even had a self assessment at the same intervals.

The absolute best thing you can do is take a ton of pictures ... wet and dry and messy and styled ... and keep them until 6 months has passed. If you look the same or better, great.

As for the massive shedding - you lose 200 hairs a day anyways. Everyone does. If you're referring to "pillow being covered" and "drain clogged" and "falling on your hands while you type" ? Yes - absolutely that kind of crap will stop with Propecia if its working, but it can take several months. Anywhere from 4 to 12.


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Thanks for the reply. Yea I dont get much hair on my pillow or drain. But when I shampoo I get about 10-15 hairs on my hands. I dont even use gel anymore because then i'll get another 10, etc. I dont want to speed up the process even more since I feel I started my regimen way too late. The thing is that a new hair isnt going to replace the one that just fell out if I am suffering from male pattern baldness, correct?