Does Propecia maintain minoxidil hair?


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I had been using 5% minoxidil for 3 years with pretty good success. Mid-scalp and crown thickened, front was maintained. I decided to switch to Propecia because of the hassle of using minoxidil. I used both for 8 months in case there was a shed from stopping minoxidil. My thinking was Propecia would maintain the hair that was grown or preserved by minoxidil. That does not appear to be the case though. After 4 months off minoxidil., my hair loss has increased.

Has anyone made this switch?

Thanks in advance.

Molecular Help

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Definitely not. The mechanism whereby finasteride maintains/regrows hair is completely different than minoxidil's. Any hair you ever get from minoxidil will be lost when you stop- no exceptions!