Does propecia make you tired?


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I usually wake up early in the morning to workout but usually eat my breakfast then read a book for an hour so I can let the food digest then go workout. This past 8 days when I take the propecia right after my breakfast ,I get really sleepy to the point that I took a nap and missed my workout. I have been working out for 8 years ,never missed a day and got really tired after breakfast. So I decided to take propecia at night so it doesn't interfere with my workout. Anybody experience this sides?


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Yes of course. I experienced this, many others did as well. Direct effect of lowered DHT.


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Yeah that's completely possible. I had it. You might want to try going off Propecia and then going back on a time or two to make sure that's really where the side effects are coming from.


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I take Propecia in the evening, otherwise I felt sleepy.



Yes finasteride makes tired

minoxidil makes me also tired more than finasteride



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I had really bad tiredness on full dose so cut dwon to 0.5mg after 2 months then 0.25mg a month after before it was acceptable.

Take in evening.

After 7 months it did not help hair so now on dutasteride. Strangely though no sides on dutasteride so its much better than finasteride for me in that aspect..not sure its helping my hair yet tho...shedding like crazy.


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Fatigue was cited as a side effect in the dutasteride trials, but it was only experienced by one person of the 68 taking 0.5mg/day, and 7 of the 71 taking 2.5mg/day.

Do women become more tired than men because they have less DHT? 8)


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Pondle said:
Fatigue was cited as a side effect in the dutasteride trials, but it was only experienced by one person of the 68 taking 0.5mg/day, and 7 of the 71 taking 2.5mg/day.

Do women become more tired than men because they have less DHT? 8)
exactly, and how many in the placebo group cited that same effect?


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bubka said:
exactly, and how many in the placebo group cited that same effect?

3 of 64, i.e. more than in the dutasteride 0.5mg/day group and the same as in the finasteride 5mg/day group. Conclusive proof that Propecia doesn't make you tired. :)


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It doesn't make everyone tired, but there is absolutely a connection for some people. I took Finasteride for 3 years before the side effects started... I had no reason to suspect it (or imagine it). It actually took me awhile to figure out it was the Finasteride. Not sure what about my body changed.


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jakeb said:
It doesn't make everyone tired, but there is absolutely a connection for some people. I took Finasteride for 3 years before the side effects started... I had no reason to suspect it (or imagine it). It actually took me awhile to figure out it was the Finasteride. Not sure what about my body changed.

If you didn't experience it for 3 years after you started taking the drug, it could have been anything! You are just picking on one factor in your life and arbitrarily blaming it. The bottom line is that there was no difference in tiredness 'sides' between the treatment group and the placebo group.


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Tiredness is a real side effect and was severe for me and it subsided eventually as I cut dose.

Brain fog and tiredness was so bad on full dose even though I increased my sleeping hours it could not compensate and I was drifting off at work and in the long car journey to work..dangerous.

I complained a lot about it on this site many months ago but it did not seem to be a major problem for many..libido seemed to be the major problem yet mine was o.k.


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when I started propecia I felt very very tired for a couple weeks or so and it eventually wore off. The fatigue came and went but yes I was tired. It does not matter when you take it, this is purely psychological. It doesn't matter when you take it because thats not how the drug works, but the fluctuation in energy levels is not in your head for some people, like myself, but eventually the body adjusts back to normal.

Those who persevere will reap the benefits.


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jakeb said:
It doesn't make everyone tired, but there is absolutely a connection for some people. I took Finasteride for 3 years before the side effects started... I had no reason to suspect it (or imagine it). It actually took me awhile to figure out it was the Finasteride. Not sure what about my body changed.
boy, i am sure these side effects had nothing to do with your age either


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bubka said:
jakeb said:
It doesn't make everyone tired, but there is absolutely a connection for some people. I took Finasteride for 3 years before the side effects started... I had no reason to suspect it (or imagine it). It actually took me awhile to figure out it was the Finasteride. Not sure what about my body changed.
boy, i am sure these side effects had nothing to do with your age either

Maybe my age is what aggravated it, but we're talking about the whole 9 yards of propecia side effects -- which I didn't even know about at the time. Tiredness, brain fog, low libido, low semen volume (not that I care, but that's not something you can *imagine*).

I stopped taking propecia and magically those side effects went away. Then I started shedding, panicked, and went back on it. Within a few days, the sides were back again. So I went off it.

Then I thought... maybe if I only use .25mg at night... maybe that will work! But within a few days again: sides.

Yeah, most guys don't have problems. But if you do, theycan be a real b**ch.

Oh, other thing that I've apparently imagined -- I started working out while using propecia. I never really gained any muscle and assumed that's just the way I was (I'd always been a scrawny guy and this was the first time I tried to change it). Since stopping propecia, I've been gaining like crazy and haven't changed my workout one bit. Coincidence??