Does scalp show if you grow your hair long?


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One of the main reasons that I think im a diffuse thinner is because Im now able to see my scalp near the front/middle crown area clearly in bright light. I dont remember being able to see my scalp clearly only a few months before. I never had hair this long(about 5 inches in length for each hair; on the sides I have my hair past my ears) and i was wondering if it would cause a difference between hair that is say, only 3-4 inches long?

Molecular Help

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I'm assuming you have a part in the middle... so where do you see your scalp besides the part? Usually with general thinning with hair longer than a few inches the only thing you see is a bigger part. Plus it seems like you answer your own question. If you see you scalp more so now than when your hair was a few inches shorter, it follows that you can indeed see your scalp more so at this length.



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thats what I was worried about. I didnt know whether the increase in visible scalp was due to the longer hair or to my possible diffuse thinning

Molecular Help

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Still have trouble understanding you mate.

Do you mean is the increase in visible scalp a result of you losing more hair in the past few months? You say "possible" diffuse thinning... you're not sure if you're losing your hair? Usually hair looks thinner when it gets longer, though you have better coverage of particular areas.

I'm sorry I don't know why I keep responding I'm not really saying anything to help lol.