Does Telogen Effluvium start male pattern baldness progression?


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Just wondering as at the moment im suffering from telogen effluvium it has really thinned my hair (didnt realise i had so much) its not noticable yet to people but will be if it carry's on, i have researched Telogen Effluvium and realise it grows back buti was wondering does the hair grow back healthy and thick or does an attack of Telogen Effluvium start off the progression of balness ( hairs growing back weaker and thinner).


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if you have "DHT" sensitive follicles
then the next hair that grows in will be slightly thinner/lighter
than the one before

male pattern baldness does just happen over night
it takes many hair cycles to actually (loose the hair)

if you dont have any "DHT" sensitive follicles
then your shed hair from Telogen Effluvium
will come back just as normal as before


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so far the hair that has grown ack around the midde of my head is thinner and lighter it made a noticable bald patch, i am on finasteride will this patch fill up wit better hair in time?


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Dude,like I said before Telogen Effluvium is quite unpredictable but in most cases it stops and the follicles return to their original state.How long have you been suffering from Telogen Effluvium ? and has the Telogen Effluvium induced shedding decreased ? Eat a healthy diet,exercise regularly,take biotin till you recover from it,try not to be stressed,sleep well and keep your fingers crossed.I had Telogen Effluvium a couple of years back[2007 May] after a stressful incident and I used to shed loads of hair everyday.This lasted for three months and I recovered from it by reducing stress levels,eating a healthy diet and sleeping 8-10 hrs/day :sleep: Lucky for me though my male pattern baldness was in a dormant state but it has picked up since the last year. :shakehead:

Continue taking finasteride and this will ensure that DHT & other androgens do not affect the follicles.Thats all I can say bro,take it easy and pretty soon it will stop.


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mpbsux20 said:
Dude,like I said before Telogen Effluvium is quite unpredictable but in most cases it stops and the follicles return to their original state.How long have you been suffering from Telogen Effluvium ? and has the Telogen Effluvium induced shedding decreased ? Eat a healthy diet,exercise regularly,take biotin till you recover from it,try not to be stressed,sleep well and keep your fingers crossed.I had Telogen Effluvium a couple of years back[2007 May] after a stressful incident and I used to shed loads of hair everyday.This lasted for three months and I recovered from it by reducing stress levels,eating a healthy diet and sleeping 8-10 hrs/day :sleep: Lucky for me though my male pattern baldness was in a dormant state but it has picked up since the last year. :shakehead:

Continue taking finasteride and this will ensure that DHT & other androgens do not affect the follicles.Thats all I can say bro,take it easy and pretty soon it will stop.

I know you did give me advice mate but i have been worried as when i look in the mirror my hair has thinned out on the top and i just hope it thickens up soon. I had a very stressful time around august last year i noticed shedding around november last year, im not sure whether it has decreased yet really, i was stressed due to losing my job but i have a new better paid one as of last week :punk: so the stressfull times are over im feeling way better so hopefully my shed should stop but its just i was worried the damage was done as my hair looks thinner and weaker in parts. don't want to sound stupid but what is biotin, some sort of vitamin? thanks for your help though dude has really helped me out :bravo:


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First of all I am real glad to help someone who is going through what I have been through and I hope you get back your hair lost due to Telogen Effluvium soon in the exact same condition as they were in.

Yes,Biotin is Vitamin B7 and it helps in hair growth.So the hair that you lost due to Telogen Effluvium will grow back stronger and faster than normal when you take Biotin.It might not help against male pattern baldness but it can provide your hair with some of the essential nutrients.


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update on my situation, its not going good my small thin patch is starting to become thinner and is pretty much a bald patch :( and my hair is still thinner than it used to be :shakehead: will this bald patch recover?? ot looks as though barely any hairs are growing on this patch :thumbdown2:


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can't anyone help, i came out of the shower today and when my hair was wet you can see loads of my scalp, this is not good, also when i try spike my hair to go out on a night out ect my scalp is very visible :thumbdown2: