Does the hair shed by Rogaine come back? Or is it gone?


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I was one of those people who, when they started treatment (Rogaine only so far for about 3 weeks), would've been okay with just keeping and maybe thickening the hair they had left. After 3 weeks of Rogaine, it feels like I've shed so much of what I had prior, that its actually progressed my hairline recesison/balding...

My question is: Do these hairs I've shed grow back? Or are they just, gone? I've been looking into getting a DHT-Inhibiting shampoo (Apparently I should've got that before going on Rogaine), but I'm fearful I've already lost precious amounts of hair that I'd have had without the Rogaine..
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On the information leaflet that comes with rogaine it says something like may cause increased hairloss during the first few weeks. This is supposed to be the miniaturised hairs falling out making way for new 'normal' hairs.


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The majority of the shedded hairs are definitely not miniature. I'm losing a lot of full length hair.


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These hairs would fall out anyway. the shed is good sign. May be in a month or two you will regrow them back.