Does this aswer HM question?


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I failed to find a link to the full study, but plz look at this "
A recent article in Nature (402: 33-34), by Colin Jahoda and Amanda Reynolds, of Durham University, in Durham, UK, and several colleagues, showed that the mesenchymal portion of the hair follicle can induce new follicles to form in the skin of a human adult. The researchers transplanted dermal sheath tissue from the scalp hair follicles of a man (Jahoda) to the inner forearm of a genetically unrelated woman (Reynolds) and found that the transplanted tissue stimulated the formation of new follicles. The new follicles produced hairs that were larger and thicker than the normal vellus hairs on the arm, were mostly pigmented, and grew in variable directions.

Jahoda and Reynolds had previously demonstrated that transplants of isolated rat hair follicle dermal cells could stimulate new follicle formation in adult rats, but analogous results had never before been achieved in humans. The experiments in humans need to be repeated by others, says University of Pennsylvania dermatologist George Cotsarelis, "but if it really turns out to be true, I suspect there'll be a lot of interest in developing techniques for transplanting mesenchymal cells to people's bald scalps and trying to induce big thick hair." The results of the human transplant experiments, he adds, "also bring up [the] fascinating idea that the follicle is immune privileged," because hair follicles transplanted from one person to another, unrelated person were not rejected by the immune system."

3 interesting things I see here:
1)DM cells might be used from someone else. Will they grow hairs with the same properties of theire origin, I do not know.
2) falicles may be emune privileged- I do not know how this can be, since it is to my understanding that all the bodie's cells have MHC molecule.THIS MEANS YOU CAN USE SOMEONE elses hair, I'm sure this has been checked by now and that i'm just in the dark, so i'd love it if someone would bring me up to date.
3) Most importent- doesn't this answer the HM question about whether HM will induce new hairs, or just revive old ones?

michael barry

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Thats the experiment that really got all the interest in HM started back in 96' (I think that was the year).

That experiment also opened the door for the most exciting HM option (especially since Elaine Fuchs has apparently found a way to get something like 100,000 passage out of the third passage HM cells), and that is stem cells from someone ELSE. Someone with truly great hair genetically could be paid to get perhaps 500 folllicles taken out from THEIR donor area (a few stem cells of which would be shot back in at a later date, so they'd actually sacrafice no hair). THEIR extremely good cells could be multiplied and injected into other men's balding men might not just have hair, but movie-star hair someday. Its hard to not get excited about the possibilities of that technology.