Does this hinder results?


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What up fellas

so ive been using minoxidil 5% on my head 1x a day for a month now, and ive been flakin like crazy, and when i say crazy i mean :freaked2: Newayz i use nizoral 2%, tgel and t/sal, they help but not much. So i ordered dr.lees PPG minoxidil.

SO my question is, does the flaking hinder results at all? The reason i ask is cause i see hairs stuck in the flakes that fall out. Are these hairs falling out cause of the flakes or were they gonna fall out anyways, whether it was stuck in a flake or just on its own. I got zero itching and redness, just tons of flakes. I know its cause i use too much minoxidil, but i like to get the whole head covered.



Established Member
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they were proabably going to fall out anyway, the flaking should settle down soon. If you dont use a conditioner start and it should help, I condition every other day.


Established Member
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thanks for the reply.

Yah ive been using conditioner too, but im gonna use it more often now. I aint too worried about the flaking in the coming months cause like i said i ordered the ppg free minoxidil from dr.lee.

Basically just wondering:

minoxidil+flaking scalp= decreased results


are the results gonna be the same with or without flaking.


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dude how much is too much minoxidil. you really dont' need more than a mL , maybe mL and a half, as it spreads out under the epidermis when applied. Many people on this forum have talked about this, and too much minoxidil can have other side effects too.