ok ,
here we go , hope sombody can help
i am 27 year old man ,
i use toppik for 2 weeks , i have long hair, and its become littele thin in the front ,
the toppic powder (with the fabrics) is amazing , its cover and work fine for me , frankliy i was amaezd,
and here is the thing...
i think on the spot where i put the toppic powder , i start to see that i am getting
like a blank spot you know , and it is f*****g scaring me !! what to do ?
no way i lost hair in that spot within 2 weeks by neture !
i want to keep using toppik , but i worry about getting bold to fast to soon and
now i am adicted to this thing, i will not leave the house without it,
sombody pls advise , been searching all web for sombody that got the same side effect ,
didn't find it any where ,, any body here heard about this side effect ? could i be losing hair using toppik ???? :lost:
here we go , hope sombody can help
i am 27 year old man ,
i use toppik for 2 weeks , i have long hair, and its become littele thin in the front ,
the toppic powder (with the fabrics) is amazing , its cover and work fine for me , frankliy i was amaezd,
and here is the thing...
i think on the spot where i put the toppic powder , i start to see that i am getting
like a blank spot you know , and it is f*****g scaring me !! what to do ?
no way i lost hair in that spot within 2 weeks by neture !
i want to keep using toppik , but i worry about getting bold to fast to soon and
now i am adicted to this thing, i will not leave the house without it,
sombody pls advise , been searching all web for sombody that got the same side effect ,
didn't find it any where ,, any body here heard about this side effect ? could i be losing hair using toppik ???? :lost: