Does xandrox 15 regrow a lot more hair than min 5%?


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This whole time I thought azelaic acid inhibiting 98% of DHT had to be BS because that is more than propecia inhibits, and I thought propecia grows more hair. But recently Bryan told me that minoxidil 5% and maybe also the 2% grows more hair than propecia. So I can no longer use that reasoning towards azelaic acid, especially since no studies have been done on the results.

Now I'm curious what the people who have used minoxidil 5% a year an switched to xandrox 15% or better yet 5%, or switched the other way, have to say about the effectiveness of each.

Were there any studies?


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^how can we find out if the aa sh*t is true? is it expensive?


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I've been adding Azelaic Acid to my Minoxidil for almost a year now.

A 2+ year supply cost me around $40.


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of course it could just be type 1 5ar. And does Dr Lee specify if that 98% is with the topical or with the invitro highest dose?


he claims the topical will inhibit 98% of DHT. he doesn't specify which type.


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Long ago, he told me in an email (back when we were still on speaking terms! :D ) that he thinks it inhibits both forms of 5a-reductase.



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so if aa can inhibit 98%, its kinda can prevent hairloss???? or what?


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so if aa can inhibit 98%, its kinda can prevent hairloss???? or what?


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If it did that, we would not need propecia. Has anyone maintained their hair 5 years on... Oh that's right, xandrox just came out. so we won't know if people lose hair again after they reach the max hair gaines rogaine will bring.

Since castration shrinks hampster flank by 75%, and does not grow hair on humans, I do not believe hampster flank shrinkage should be used to judge if hair will grow on people. It can only be used to measure androgen receptor blocking or 5ar blocking, and most likely 5ar1 blocking, not 5ar2.

I think AA worked in a test tube but not on a hampster. anyone have any studies on it?


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college, there is a danger in moving to xandrox 15.
It is possible that xandrox 15 might be better than regular minoxidil because of higher concentration, higher alcohol content (not AA). However it is also possible that xandrox 15 can be worser than regular minoxidil.

Unfortunately I started it and I don't know if I can stop it (if indeed it worked I don't want to lose what I gained).

My suggestion is to use the big 3 and sods for 3 years. If some areas are slick bald or non responsive to the regular minoxidil try xandrox 15 there.


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is xandrox like 15% minoxidil?