Doesn't it annoy you when....


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You look in the mirror and your hair looks decent, then you turn on the light and it looks like half your hair just suddenly fell off? Did it today, and it sucked.


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that is a bummer. saying that though if the light is really bright i can see lots of thin white hairs in the thinning areas- then it doesnt look too bad.


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I used to be obsessed with mirrors, like some crazy schizophrenic, believing there was a mirror conspiracy going on... The best way to look at your hair to see it like others do, is to go out to your car, open the sunroof, so the light is shining through on a normal day, and use the windscreen mirror to look at your hair, and when outside that is what your hair looks like to others, shut the sunroof and that is what your hair looks like inside to others.


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Petchsky said:
... The best way to look at your hair to see it like others do, is to go out to your car, open the sunroof, so the light is shining through on a normal day, and use the windscreen mirror to look at your hair, and when outside that is what your hair looks like to others, shut the sunroof and that is what your hair looks like inside to others.

...oh yes! the dreaded sunroof effect. The tell all, the forensics of hair loss. I havent used my sunroof in years. I tell people mines broken. Im cringing at this moment.


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Mirrors never annoy me... It's taking pictures that I don't like...

I see a normal person in the mirror, but when I see pictures of me I go into a shock :sobbing:

Hans Gruber

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ali777 said:
Mirrors never annoy me... It's taking pictures that I don't like...

I see a normal person in the mirror, but when I see pictures of me I go into a shock :sobbing:

i get this too,i look in the mirror and think 'ah ya not bad looking' etc etc then i see a picture and im just like 'oh f***! '

i heard that cameras(digital) distort images by a certain %,im hoping thats it!


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Hans Gruber said:
ali777 said:
Mirrors never annoy me... It's taking pictures that I don't like...

I see a normal person in the mirror, but when I see pictures of me I go into a shock :sobbing:

i get this too,i look in the mirror and think 'ah ya not bad looking' etc etc then i see a picture and im just like 'oh f*ck! '

i heard that cameras(digital) distort images by a certain %,im hoping thats it!

I have this this friend, she looks so freaking beautiful and hot in pictures. In real life I would rate her just about average... The transformation is incredible, she's has the most camera friendly face I've seen.

The moral of the story is: do not buy a mail order Easter European wife before you see her in person :woot: