Done with finasteride.


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Been on finasteride for 2.5 years. The sh*t works, but ever since the started I seem to gain weight on my chest area. I don't have the swollen or itchy nips that is supposed to go with gyno, but I have put on fat all over my chest area. Now it's to the point that it's getting worse even though I work out regularly playing tennis and cycling. I drink beer, but always have. In fact I am so conviced that finasteride is the cause, I don't need no sticking blood test.

finasteride is the only thing I have used for hair loss. Any suggestions for something else that isn't DANGEROUS? I wouldn't think of taking any counter estrogen medication.

Signed, F*cked up in Seattle.


A topical DHT inhibitor would be the obvious choice.

check out the '2% spironolactone and hydrating shampoo' thread by 'jesusfreak'

good luck

The shedder

Established Member
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Maybe you should give cycling a break and maybe try to work your pecs, with benching, pressing, and flyes. It may take away the unwanted fat and replace it with some rippling muscle


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Hell, I don't know. The sides and back are very thick. My only problem is from my front bangs back to the top of my head was getting thinner and thinner until I started popping finasteride. I actually got some regrowth with finasteride so I don't have to worry about my skin showing through anymore.

Kind of unique if you ask me that just the front to the top was going bald. My cousin has this too. I'm 42 and look 32.

Anybody got a clue?


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Im not sure I would drop the only DHT inhibitor that has been proven to work on planet earth based upon an assumption that its causing a totally undocumented side effect like chest fat.

If you are *really* convinced finasteride is responsible, I would try to talk a doctor friend into having an estrogen level test done. If your estrogen levels are within range of normal, the chest fat is probably not propecia related.

A lot of guys report a layer of softness after being on Propecia awhile, usually due to slightly higher estrogen levels, but I don't know if id stop treatment because of it. When I had it, I just had to work out better.

Another thing to remember is, you're 40. I don't know many 40 yr olds that are all that cut in the first place. Im only 29 and I am now fighting like crazy to maintain low body fat. We're talking heavy working out every single day right now... and im not even on finasteride.


New Member
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I'm actually experiencing this too, while loosing weight I seem to put on more fat in my chest region. I can't really say that it's gyno though cause I don't feel a lump or any itchiness.


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Good point Thank you very much. Will see a doctor this summer.

Still popping finasteride. I'll give an update on the estro test maybe next month.


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and im not even on finasteride.

Has it occured to you that it could possibly be the estrogen from the spironolactone. I've had this "extra layer" of fat since starting the spironolactone. It's no reason to stop, but I do have to watch what I eat now. I lift too, and i'm nowhere near as cut as I used to be. I look more bulky since starting the spironolactone.