Donor area sores or ingrowns?????


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So yet another complication sort of thing. Well my donor area was healed up super nice until a couple weeks ago I noticed this sore type area. Very small like an open ingrown or pimple, and very sensitive to the touch. I had the lady look at it and she confirmed but still looked perplexed.
I put some neosporin on it and it seemed to go away, then another seemed to pop up next door. Now there are a few of them. They sort of itch like hell and a few I was able to pop like an ingrown. I have been putting neosporin on them as I see them but Im a bit confused wtf is going on. My donor area was completely healed in about a week and a half so where did this come from.

I will try to get some pics, cause I may want to forward them to the Doctor but I KNOW he'll have me running back up there when I really dont have time.

Has anyone else experienced this in their FUE heal time? Are they just small shock loss hairs trying to come back?
Any help is appreciated thanks.

Remember this is donor not recipient. This entire FUE ordeal is getting a bit much, I hope it ends up worth it.

Update's update:
Through my reading I have learned a transected HF can cause a really irritating ingrown in the donor area. If you have alot of multi hair grafts (which they said pretty much all mine were) transected hairs can be pretty common. Once the hair has been transected it can become foreign to the body (which could have also cause my issues up top if any ended up there) and cause nasty ingrowns and irritations. Supposedly they still grow it just takes time.

Ive read elsewhere follicutlitis is pretty common in the donor area after. WTF MAN! Why am I dealing with all this?