Donor region and hair transplant options


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I recently went for a consult at BHR which rejected me for a hair transplant. When the Dr checked my donor region in 3 places it had 60,60 and 90 (I assume per cm2), is this below average or normal or what? He also said I had some miniaturisation in the donor area. I have heard BHR will reject candidates they think can't come out looking great so was wondering if I should look elsewhere?I would only consider FUE though.

Also I have been on the big three for 5 weeks and see some small improvement (my wife also sees this) so was wondering if I give it 6 months the donor region might improve?



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I think it is below average. I think 100/cm2 is average. That indicates you have a poor donor supply. You can possibly increase your hair caliber (diameter) using Finasteride or Dutasteride, but that doesn't mean you will generate new density. When you have average density, you can remove about half the follicular units, and still appear to have coverage. (I believe that is the correct formula). If you harvested hair from the 60/cm2 zones, you would quickly deplete that area, and not yield a large enough supply of grafts to accomplish very much.

If a clinic turns you down because you're a bad candidate, don't "doctor shop" for a clinic that will take your money. Consider yourself lucky -- somebody tried to educate you, rather than trying to cash in on you (and that's not always what happens). If a clinic turns you down, that is significant. Take heed. Hair transplants are not ideal for everybody (I think the ideal candidates fit a fairly narrow definition) -- better to understand that and move on, rather than spend a lot of money and cause permanent changes to your scalp, and realize afterwards that your potential for satisfaction had always been limited right from the start.


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I think it is below average. I think 100/cm2 is average. That indicates you have a poor donor supply. You can possibly increase your hair caliber (diameter) using Finasteride or Dutasteride, but that doesn't mean you will generate new density. When you have average density, you can remove about half the follicular units, and still appear to have coverage. (I believe that is the correct formula). If you harvested hair from the 60/cm2 zones, you would quickly deplete that area, and not yield a large enough supply of grafts to accomplish very much.

If a clinic turns you down because you're a bad candidate, don't "doctor shop" for a clinic that will take your money. Consider yourself lucky -- somebody tried to educate you, rather than trying to cash in on you (and that's not always what happens). If a clinic turns you down, that is significant. Take heed. Hair transplants are not ideal for everybody (I think the ideal candidates fit a fairly narrow definition) -- better to understand that and move on, rather than spend a lot of money and cause permanent changes to your scalp, and realize afterwards that your potential for satisfaction had always been limited right from the start.

So my average is 70 cm2 which is considered average for people with male pattern baldness at my age based on my research. Can you explain where you got the 100cm2 figure sound more like well above average to me Also I know of people who were turned down by BHR and went elsewhere and got successful work done.

Anyway I think I will wait a year on meds and reassess the situation. I would like at least one second opinion, giving up after one opinion is stupid in my opinion.


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Average is about 80, not 100. 100 is considered superb. Those guys have very very good donor.

70 is significantly below average though. Those 10 grafts per cm^2 are not negligible.

If that's the case I guess I am not a candidate for hair transplant, (assuming you are a hair transplant surgeon or have studied many cases). I wouldn't want to do it unless it could look natural. I guess I will stay on the meds in the hope I am a good responder, which seems possible based on the new hairs appearing.Only time will tell.