Don't hate on Cipla!

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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They make good stuff. My finasteride car cut into 4th's appears to be following the standard path, and i've only been on it 24 days now. I went through the horn-dog phase, then about 5 days ago the pimples starting appearing, and now I think I'm going into the "sex? no thanks on that" stage. It took forever to make whoopee with my g/f today. She was very shocked as this was a drastic change from a more than a week ago. Is'nt all this supposed to be stretched out over more weeks? I even think I'm starting to shed now. Hairs on my keyboard, hairs on my sheets and pillows where there were none before. So, this stuff is real.. but it's going real fast through my body.. Isn't it? I always thought it took a month or two to reach the point where all the stages had run their course.


Skin is noticeably drier, and so is my hair. :freaked:


Experienced Member
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Bone Daddy said:

Skin is noticeably drier, and so is my hair. :freaked:
Are u using a different type of shampoo or soap? Using any acne meds? Just curious

Bone Daddy

Established Member
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Nope, just Nizoral and my other nutrise poo and conditioner. I have always (read: before a few days ago) had an oily "glaze" to my skin, and my hair got VERY greasy after a day or so. It got worse a few weeks ago when my randy period started. Now that I'm on my estrogen phase, my skin and hair are drier. I had heard of this happening to people beforehand so I wasn't surprised. I hope it stays this way. :D