Don't Know If I Should Quit Finasteride? Sides At 100 Days.


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I noticed my crown thinning in October. Mid-30s. Early November I started 0.5mg per day, never planned to change that dose.

Zero problems for 100 days. Then around two weeks ago, I started getting some sides. I'm not sure I really want to go into them, but one in particular has been troubling.

I don't know what to do, obviously I didn't even get to see the results yet. I also worry the damage is done in terms of the worst side, so why stop at this point if that's the case?

I also thought about 0.25mg every three days? Could I still see some hair benefits and see if the sides got better?

I don't know if I should try other treatments instead ie just use generic rogaine (I have a relatively minor problem with the hair right now just the thinning center of crown) and/or try some of the home laser devices?

Finasteride was so easy and I believed in it so much. I never thought I'd have a side especially so far into using it.


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Might as well be blunt about your sides dude - Erectile dysfunction or libido drop ? If you had blood work done prior you would be able to see if your sides were potentially E related or not.

I suspect at 100 days that it would likely be E related. You could try Arimidex 0.25mg 3 times a week to confirm/deny this.


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Thank you Ollie!

There's a bit of both of the things you mentioned, though not too bad, pretty mild. However, the worst bit is that I'm smaller down there, all the time, no matter what state it's in. I say it's 20 percent smaller, no joke, I know it sounds unbelievable. I swear though. Furthermore, if it's permanent damage/change, then I don't know if it's worth quitting,I'd be left deformed with no hair benefit.

Furthermore, I keep wondering if the sides you mentioned plus what I have described didn't get any worse, maybe I could live with it. But I fear all of them will keep getting worse now that they finally showed up. :(

And I'm mad I didn't start minoxidil at the same time as Finasteride as at least if I stopped Finasteride now, the minoxidil would have had a few months going too, now if I quit I'm starting on day one all over again.


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Thank you Ollie!

There's a bit of both of the things you mentioned, though not too bad, pretty mild. However, the worst bit is that I'm smaller down there, all the time, no matter what state it's in. I say it's 20 percent smaller, no joke, I know it sounds unbelievable. I swear though. Furthermore, if it's permanent damage/change, then I don't know if it's worth quitting,I'd be left deformed with no hair benefit.

Furthermore, I keep wondering if the sides you mentioned plus what I have described didn't get any worse, maybe I could live with it. But I fear all of them will keep getting worse now that they finally showed up. :(

And I'm mad I didn't start minoxidil at the same time as Finasteride as at least if I stopped Finasteride now, the minoxidil would have had a few months going too, now if I quit I'm starting on day one all over again.

Its only you who can make the decision to quit or go on. It all depends on the sides you are experiencing. We should be aware that we are messing with our endorcine system. This could offcourse come with sides.


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Thank you Unacknowledged.

I think I'd feel better about quitting if I put a plan together to replace finasteride first.

In the meantime, I might go 0.25mg every day and make sure I don't get better in 3 weeks or so on that low of a dose. Now, if things start to deterirorate even further, I might stop sooner. I really thought I was out of the woods, haha, to have all this start 100 days in. Oh well.


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Thank you Unacknowledged.

I think I'd feel better about quitting if I put a plan together to replace finasteride first.

In the meantime, I might go 0.25mg every day and make sure I don't get better in 3 weeks or so on that low of a dose. Now, if things start to deterirorate even further, I might stop sooner. I really thought I was out of the woods, haha, to have all this start 100 days in. Oh well.

Its all about the individual system. I got sides from saw palmetto. But only when i increased the dose. Lowered it again and no issues anymore. I stopped now because i wanted to see if i could get things back to normal. Well it worked. All fine. Now im taking a topical ( multi peptide) and after 6 weeks im noticing the same sides. Less semen and puffy nipples. I live a healthy life so that is not the problem. Im trying to find the balance in test, estro and dht but body doesnt seem to think its fun. Like you i am not sure what to do.


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Do you know you're actually smaller and it's not just a weaker erection? I very much doubt its actually smaller, it could be now because you're paranoid and anxious about it that it's making it shrivel up....
Pop 100mg vi agra to find out and put your mind at ease.


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Thanks soundnvision, if I end up wrong, I'll be thankful. ha-ha.

So I got a better pill cutter so I can get down to 0.25mg easier. I'm going to step down to 0.25mg daily (instead of 0.5) and see if the sides get better or are tolerable. I also took yesterday off completely and I feel a little better. I know it is unlikely a day would make a difference, that part is probably in my head.

I will consider trying 0.5 again at some point if all the sides went away. I just hope 0.25mg has the potential to still work or at least prevent loss since I have very little thinning / slow thinning right now.


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Thanks soundnvision, if I end up wrong, I'll be thankful. ha-ha.

So I got a better pill cutter so I can get down to 0.25mg easier. I'm going to step down to 0.25mg daily (instead of 0.5) and see if the sides get better or are tolerable. I also took yesterday off completely and I feel a little better. I know it is unlikely a day would make a difference, that part is probably in my head.

I will consider trying 0.5 again at some point if all the sides went away. I just hope 0.25mg has the potential to still work or at least prevent loss since I have very little thinning / slow thinning right now.

Always start with a low dose. Just to see what it does to the body.


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I know it may have not been enough time but down to the 0.25 daily I just keeping feeling worse. Now my stomach is bloated out and my head hurts.

I'm pretty sure I"m going to stop finasteride. Just not sure if should take 1-2 a week for a month. I'm scared I'm going to have those post issues since I seem to have reacted so much.

I might eventually try topical finasteride but not sure if I should since I have such a reaction. Until then, I guess minoxidil as I research other things too.


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Anxiety does not make your dick smaller and doesn't decrease erection quality, retards.
Yes it does, if im anxious or nervous my dick shrivels up alot, if im relaxed it hangs down much fuller and thicker.It also stops me getting a full erection.


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There is a big difference between anxiety related sexual sides and not only and chemical related sexual side effects, but i guess most of you have no biology or chemistry knowledge.


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I know it may have not been enough time but down to the 0.25 daily I just keeping feeling worse. Now my stomach is bloated out and my head hurts.

I'm pretty sure I"m going to stop finasteride. Just not sure if should take 1-2 a week for a month. I'm scared I'm going to have those post issues since I seem to have reacted so much.

I might eventually try topical finasteride but not sure if I should since I have such a reaction. Until then, I guess minoxidil as I research other things too.

Do you take it with food. Could help with the stomach issues.


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Yes, I take it with my main meal that is how I remember to take it.

I've been off for 4 days because 0.25 I was still getting worse.

I felt normal again finally, almost completely normal and my scalp is all oily, so I guess I'm making lots of DHT again. lol. It felt good to feel normal.

But I went ahead and took 0.25mg today, I don't know if I might try every other day or 2x per week.

The bloating in the stomach ended up one of the worst things, probably the worst.

I still don't understand why it took 100 days for the sides to start. I keep thinking it was a coincidence, but sure doesn't seem like it.


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So I did 0.25 with a day off again and with the 4 days break, I'm pretty much normal below the waste again and my stomach is pretty much ok now.

However, I have noticed bigger nipples, haha almost can't make this stuff up, and the right side of the chest might be bigger. Do I need to see a doctor over that larger right side of chest? Or can I give it time? It probably is slightly, 10-15 percent larger than it was before, or it could be in my head, but the nipple thing is not in my head!

I'm just leading towards these changes being too significant to stay on it unless the 0.25 3x a week or something would have things like the nipple and chest thing go down over time, perhaps they don't fix as quick as the stuff lower on the body.


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So I did 0.25 with a day off again and with the 4 days break, I'm pretty much normal below the waste again and my stomach is pretty much ok now.

However, I have noticed bigger nipples, haha almost can't make this stuff up, and the right side of the chest might be bigger. Do I need to see a doctor over that larger right side of chest? Or can I give it time? It probably is slightly, 10-15 percent larger than it was before, or it could be in my head, but the nipple thing is not in my head!

I'm just leading towards these changes being too significant to stay on it unless the 0.25 3x a week or something would have things like the nipple and chest thing go down over time, perhaps they don't fix as quick as the stuff lower on the body.

I can relate with the nipple part. I did some cardio and reduced the intake and it went back to normal. Only you can decide what feels right.