Don't Know What True Happiness Is Anymore


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I can feel happiness. I don't actually know what true happiness is.

My heart dies a little everyday.

Every little issue in life triggers anxiety.

Gagging? Maybe I have bowel cancer.

Diahorre? Maybe my autoimmune system is weakened by a deadly disease like hiv.

Tiredness? Maybe my shitty mental wellbeing means I can never outperform my peers.

I can enjoy life but I just feel that I don't feel true happiness inside me anymore


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I can feel happiness. I don't actually know what true happiness is.

My heart dies a little everyday.

Every little issue in life triggers anxiety.

Gagging? Maybe I have bowel cancer.

Diahorre? Maybe my autoimmune system is weakened by a deadly disease like hiv.

Tiredness? Maybe my shitty mental wellbeing means I can never outperform my peers.

I can enjoy life but I just feel that I don't feel true happiness inside me anymore
I feel you, sister. I live like this every day.


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I can feel happiness. I don't actually know what true happiness is.

My heart dies a little everyday.

Every little issue in life triggers anxiety.

Gagging? Maybe I have bowel cancer.

Diahorre? Maybe my autoimmune system is weakened by a deadly disease like hiv.

Tiredness? Maybe my shitty mental wellbeing means I can never outperform my peers.

I can enjoy life but I just feel that I don't feel true happiness inside me anymore

I've had that voice in the back of my head forever, likely due to a mother that criticized everything.

Years ago, multiple people told me that I was a buzzkill, so I eventually stopped. But the voice is still there, criticizing and undermining everything, pointing fingers, and saying No to happiness.

I'm constantly afraid that I might have cancer. I watched my father waste away from prostate cancer and when I was there I saw other people waste away too. One of my friends from University just died of cancer, he leaves behind a wife and two young kids.


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I've had that voice in the back of my head forever, likely due to a mother that criticized everything.

Years ago, multiple people told me that I was a buzzkill, so I eventually stopped. But the voice is still there, criticizing and undermining everything, pointing fingers, and saying No to happiness.

I'm constantly afraid that I might have cancer. I watched my father waste away from prostate cancer and when I was there I saw other people waste away too. One of my friends from University just died of cancer, he leaves behind a wife and two young kids.
Didn't know there were so many other baldcel 'hypochondriacs' (don't like to label) here. It really sucks living your life afraid of something that might or might not happen. It kills any possibility of genuine happiness.


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I know she has me on ignore but still:

- Get a boyfriend, a social life, hobbies, a job, a routine, your life in order, clear goals

Still feel depressed?

- Undergo psychotherapy

Still feel depressed?

- Take an antidepressant

Still feel depressed?

- ???
Literally know a girl that has gone through all this steps. I think they help but you have to fight the underlying issues.

I would have no issue at all if I had friends and a gf because that is the reason for my depression.


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I know she has me on ignore but still:

- Get a boyfriend, a social life, hobbies, a job, a routine, your life in order, clear goals

Isn't she a sex addict with multiple boytoys?


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Maybe your idea of true happiness is unrealistic of what a human is supposed to feel. I find that lowering my standards has made me much happier, not just with women and men but with everything. Instead of ordering a pizza I feel the desire for food with home cooked pasta. Instead of jerking it to a guy getting rammed by two c**** I just jerk off emotionlessly just to get rid of the desire. When I think that I want a gf (wouldn't long term with a guy) I remember that in all likely hood it wouldn't work out so I simply decline or don't try.

Happiness is bullshit, if we were fullheads we would be unhappy. Sure we would feel vanity with our NW1s but we wouldn't be happy. It's true what Epicurus said "If you wish to make a person happy add not to their riches but take away their desires". Once you eat, drink, stay warm sh*t and piss what else do you need really? It's really our false beliefs that make us unhappy. You can enjoy life then enjoy it but forget about happiness, it's a lie. I've never seen a happy person in my life.

If you get a boyfriend or girlfriend you will be unhappy after the excitement is gone. If you make enough money after a certain point you will not gain any more happiness. Don't look for a purpose, if you think you can change the world you can't. Most of us are low to mid class, college educated people. The real people who can change the world don't want to.

Chase mental pleasures over physical pleasures because they last long. Avoid anxiety inducing situations. Don't fear god (if gods exist why would they bother with us, creatures that are eternally at strife with ourselves), Don't fear death (your consciousness is a function of your brain when you die so does that function). What is good is easy to come by (simple foods, few books, few movies sleep) what is bad is easy to injure (unless you got suicide headaches or some sh*t).

Happiness is only a bag of wank and it doesn't exist for anyone.

I'm 12 btw.


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The silver lining about being a hypochondriac is that you value your life so much you're constantly afraid of being sick and dying.

I sometimes wish I would get a disease that kills me. That way I could go out without having family and friends feel guilty.


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dad died of prostate cancer too, i feel you bro
i think everyone has that voice though, or is that not normal? Because i have the same voice that makes me worry about dying of a heart attack. I know i will die of either a heart attack (99% chance) or cancer; I think i'd rather cancer to be honest.

We all have to die of something. But o hope not to go early. There are also advantages and did advantages to going quickly or slowly.

Did you get to say goodbye to your dad, to tell him you love him?

It sucked watching my dad emaciate away for four months, and watching the hospital f*** up his treatment, but at least I knew I might run out of time. I got to tell him that my best memories of him we're of the trips to the cape cod beaches in childhood. When my sister and I were leaving one day I say "we love you dad," and after about two seconds he said " I love you too."


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Healthy diet, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, and surrounding yourself with good people can work wonders.


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Maybe your idea of true happiness is unrealistic of what a human is supposed to feel. I find that lowering my standards has made me much happier, not just with women and men but with everything. Instead of ordering a pizza I feel the desire for food with home cooked pasta. Instead of jerking it to a guy getting rammed by two c**** I just jerk off emotionlessly just to get rid of the desire. When I think that I want a gf (wouldn't long term with a guy) I remember that in all likely hood it wouldn't work out so I simply decline or don't try.

Happiness is bullshit, if we were fullheads we would be unhappy. Sure we would feel vanity with our NW1s but we wouldn't be happy. It's true what Epicurus said "If you wish to make a person happy add not to their riches but take away their desires". Once you eat, drink, stay warm sh*t and piss what else do you need really? It's really our false beliefs that make us unhappy. You can enjoy life then enjoy it but forget about happiness, it's a lie. I've never seen a happy person in my life.

If you get a boyfriend or girlfriend you will be unhappy after the excitement is gone. If you make enough money after a certain point you will not gain any more happiness. Don't look for a purpose, if you think you can change the world you can't. Most of us are low to mid class, college educated people. The real people who can change the world don't want to.

Chase mental pleasures over physical pleasures because they last long. Avoid anxiety inducing situations. Don't fear god (if gods exist why would they bother with us, creatures that are eternally at strife with ourselves), Don't fear death (your consciousness is a function of your brain when you die so does that function). What is good is easy to come by (simple foods, few books, few movies sleep) what is bad is easy to injure (unless you got suicide headaches or some sh*t).

Happiness is only a bag of wank and it doesn't exist for anyone.

I'm 12 btw.
The soul always yearns for more.


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The soul always yearns for more.

Just because your yearn from more doesn't me you have to try and get it. Better off not chasing anything you can't easily get or that would cause you mental pain to get (spending 30 euro on food for one meal, women/men or a job that will cause you mental pain).

All gonna be dead soon so may as well live as pleasurable life as you can. I wouldn't recommend sensual pleasures, they aren't bad in themselves (no pleasure is) but the side effects can be such as a heavy night of drinking feels good for like 3 hours but the next day is robbed of any potential pleasure. Some pains are worth going after such as exercise, not because the pain has any intrinsic value but it does have extrinsic value in the form of health.

Just because you want a Subway doesn't mean the desire is correct, make a sandwich at home instead. You don't need a new car or a bigger house or a hotter bf/gf.


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Here we go.

If you yearn for more, you should definitely try and get it, as long as it doesn't harm you.

Spending 30€ on a great meal can be one of the best feeling in life, especially with money you earned.

Women, men, a job are supposed to be challenges that make you grow, that make you a better person, without them, you're going to end up depressed without any sense of direction, and in turn, a meaningless life.

"All is going to be dead soon anyway!" Yeah great frame of reference there, why bother doing anything? You're going to be dead in 70 years anyway! Just rot in your basement, that's going to make you happy and fulfilled for sure!

Sensual pleasures are great with a long-lasting partner with who you want to build a life with. Heavy drinking is fine every now and then.

If I want a f*****g Subway sandwich, I'm going to get one, because I know I deserve it.

If you have a lot of children, you will need a bigger car and a bigger house.

Wanting a hotter partner is a recipe for disaster, you will never stop and always think that the grass is greener elsewhere.

f*** this nihilistic BS, we certainly don't need that on this forum. It's always the guys who give up the fight against hair loss that end up thinking those toxic thought: "It's all a big nothing anyway, nothing matters anymore, just LDAR!"

Or worse "just go ER". This is where this way of thinking could lead you by the way.

I am as far from a nihilist as you can be, I am a pure Hedonist. It is foolish of you to take "Life is short so live as pleasurable life as possible" as nihilism or perhaps you don't know what nihilism is and just use it as a blanket statement. I think the goal in life is to live as pleasurable life as possible, not that life is meaningless (which you seem to assume what I mean, probably from your lack of understanding Hedonism and Nihilism).

Sensual pleasure are not long lasting, the feeling of filling the desire for a food is pleasurable for me, not the taste of the food. Sex doesn't last long and you certainly can't always have sex but you can always have a pleasurable mindset even in bad situations.

Yes overcoming challenges is pleasurable hence why I mentioned exercise in my post. You seem to be trying to justify decisions you make and then making straw man arguments against me. Such as when you said "If you have a lot of children, you will need a bigger car and a bigger house", I never said you wouldn't need one in that situation.

Again perhaps read and try to understand before you respond.


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Here we go.

If you yearn for more, you should definitely try and get it, as long as it doesn't harm you.

Spending 30€ on a great meal can be one of the best feeling in life, especially with money you earned.

Women, men, a job are supposed to be challenges that make you grow, that make you a better person, without them, you're going to end up depressed without any sense of direction, and in turn, a meaningless life.

"All is going to be dead soon anyway!" Yeah great frame of reference there, why bother doing anything? You're going to be dead in 70 years anyway! Just rot in your basement, that's going to make you happy and fulfilled for sure!

Sensual pleasures are great with a long-lasting partner with who you want to build a life with. Heavy drinking is fine every now and then.

If I want a f*****g Subway sandwich, I'm going to get one, because I know I deserve it.

If you have a lot of children, you will need a bigger car and a bigger house.

Wanting a hotter partner is a recipe for disaster, you will never stop and always think that the grass is greener elsewhere.

f*** this nihilistic BS, we certainly don't need that on this forum. It's always the guys who give up the fight against hair loss that end up thinking those toxic thought: "It's all a big nothing anyway, nothing matters anymore, just LDAR!"

Or worse "just go ER". This is where this way of thinking could lead you by the way.
I agree with you on this.