

New Member
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Hey everyone

I have been following this Dr for about a year now. And I must say that I am very pleased with what I see.. he is very expensive, but eh. This is an investment.

Here's his link.. tell me what you think!



Established Member
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STAY AWAY! Tons of people posting on hairlosshelp how bauman screwed them, scarred them, and got no results. He is a con artist and I would stay AWAY!

Lookat H&W, Rahal, Shapiro, ********, and some others. .STAY AWAY from Bauman.


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I agree with the above, STAY AWAY. I am also planning to get a hairtransplant soon. I researched alot, I can say that I have read quite a few post from baumen patients, had they are not pleased at all. So I would reconsider, and research more on baumen. Check out other website and forums, good luck.

I am planning to get an FUE from Dr. COLE or Shapario. Leaning towards COLE the work I have seen is exceptional.

Look at FELLER in New York as well, I hear and read he good also.

I think if your going for an FUT then HASSAN and WONG are fairly good, check them out.



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Thanks for the posts guys!! I just dont understand how he gets all this Media attention. Dammit.. i did study for about a year.. .
This goes to show you how powedrful marketing can be.
Thank you guys. I also hear about hassan and wong alot too. Guess I'll study them further


New Member
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MAN!!! I just dont know.. This guys looks legit. His website is full of celebirty acclaim. he was on mens health. CBS. How can he be a fruad? I know you should never believe everything you see on tv, but this is different. Why would newscaster look for a fraud? wouldnt they do their research and look for the BEST? really odd you guys say he is a fraud.


Senior Member
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Don't trust anyone in this business. The news channels don't do much research at all, IMO.

I have no first-hand knowledge of Bauman, but I see bad vibes whenever his name pops up.


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Some newsreader won a hair transplant with Baumann a few years ago - he had his hair transplant done "live" - so to speak. It was, I believe, part of a news story on hair transplant's. I think Baumann did one for free in exchange for publicity.

The results were dreadful. The guy went from a NW6, to, well a NW6 with a few strands of hair on top. It looked worse than a combover. I believe he had a strip done, so that guy will also have a nice ear to ear scar.


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Since then, i have studied much About Bauman. You guys were right. thanks! Case closed. I will be putting pics up soon hopefully of my hair to see what you guys think. this way i know what im doing when i go to H&W. (maybe).


New Member
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Sorry to hear that Carl! Yah, I am running. The thing that gets me is that he's very expensive aswell


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carl!!! thank you!!!
im flying to hasson and wong in dec for a "in person" consultation. me and my girl friend are going to up to vancouver for christmas get a cottage and make it fun. since i'm muslim this will be my 1st christmas. I'm really excited about this! Btw.. i'm gonna take pics in two weeks or so to see what you guys think about how many grafts i need