Dr. Charles Powell Neograft Dallas?


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zeo said:
Does anyone have any experience with Dr. Charles Powell in Dallas? I am considering him for Neograft Hair Surgery

http://www.androsmart.com/aboutandrosma ... osmart.htm

I think neograft is that vacuum contraption that holds the follicle and then shoots them out at planting phase.

I do not think that is considered a very reputable technique. None of those docs considered at the top of their field seem to use it. The only power assisted device I am familiar with is the SAFE motorized punch used by some docs such as Harris (inventor), True/Dorin, Rahal, Umar.

Avoid. Even the website looks cheap and gimmicky. If you must stay in Texas, Arocha in Houston and Limmer in San antonio seem to have the best results. i'd opt for Limmer because I think their rates are cheaper and they are longer established. Personally though, if you are okay with doing a strip procedure, I can HIGHLY recommend Dr. Rahal in Ottawa.