Dr Cole follicle regeneration


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This whole story of follicle regeneration has typically come from foreign doctors and I have always been very skeptic about it.
Dr Cole, in the US, is now claiming he has around 50% regeneration, which sounds crazy...

I am contemplating an hair transplant but wanted to see whether I should give this guy any consideration, or whether I should put it on hold if regeneration could happen relatively soon.

I am a statistician and I don't see why this "regeneration" if correct, cannot be proven with a high confidence margin.
Here is a setting:

Take 20 guys going for FUE. Divide the back area in control and treatment. In 10 guys use the same usual FUE method on the control and the treatment areas. IN 10 others use FUE on the control and FUE+whatever regenerates (such as Acell or whatever) on the treatment area.

Examine the percentage change in total hairs in these areas before and after. while you cannot prove that one follicle has regenerated, if the numbers are consistently better in the treatment area for the treated group that would be powerful evidence...



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seriously, why is it that the interesting stuff are neglected often on this site?
If this has been discussed in detail before pls let me know, couldn t find it on the search


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looks interesting.. but i cant seem to find any sucsess or story's about it on forums... so then im very suspicous


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I actually went to COle's website and find that even his hair transplant are not convincing, I get suspicious when the AFTER photo is always darker -- not clean.